Because i am a (mostly) forgiving person...

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So today I was thinking to myself...
You know, why haven't I forgiven some things?

Of course, it's because it hurt me so badly that I hadn't had the sense I would SOO love to have.
I need to forgive and forget.

So, here we go:

I forgive you for saying yes to the guy I like. Because, frankly, yes, I would love, for him to like me, but, I would also love to see myself step back and let you two be happy. (Still jealous, honey, but we can overlook that, can't we?) and btw, I still like him ;P sry. Some things don't change. Like that fact that I still can't just get the hell over it. And the fact that I am an idiot. Moving on...

Anyway, I forgive my brother for saying that my dog is in fact both of ours. MY DOG WAS ADOPTED ON NOVEMBER 22, 2015. MY BIRTHDAY IS ON NOVEMBER 25. Ok? Ok? Birthday present?! Fine whatever he's ours.


I do forgive the fact that my friends STILL TEASE ME ABOUT THE NUMBER THIRTEEN AFTER I HAVE ASKED THEM TO STOP A GAZILLION BAJILLION QUINTILLION FREAKIN TIMES. *cools down* I forgive you. Please, for the sake of my sanity, STOP IT WITH THIS NUMBER. PLEASE. (And the stuff about me and raj!)

Also, I forgive myself for making the mistake of liking a guy:
A) COMPLETELY oblivious to the fact that it hurts whenever we talk about his girlfriend (yeah, he's one of my good friends, and it's not her fault, btw!)
C) actually thinking I had a chance <3 (cuz I DON'T)

I also forgive my friend for teasing me about the relationship's anniversary until I cried. Boy. It was a boy, not a girl. Yeah, that was random and unnecessary, so yeah.

Oh and I forgive my parents FOR FUCKING GIVING BIRTH TO ME. But hey, it's not their fault they were horny. Ok. Ok. I'll stop. Sorry!

And I would also like to forgive my beloved doggy who has bit my leg and created the hugest fucking scar where I get to show people and say, "my crazy ass dog bit me. It was bleeding where his teeth sunk in. But I still love him."

I hope YOU forgive ME for creating such a boring chapter in which I lift a HUGE weight off my shoulders. Seriously, HUGE.

Baiii ;3

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