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Samuel stared at the retreating backs of the bad boy and his new girl. They had a really weird love story.

Samuel wished he would also get the girl he wanted. But that doesn't happen, only the bad boys get the girls.

He found himself asking why the bad boys were so lucky and what he lacked.

Then, he had an idea.

A few days later, Samuel was walking to school with his guitar case slung across his shoulder. The humid air made it harder to move fast. Rivulets of sweat rolled down his head, his neck, and then lower down.

As he walked through the school's gate, he thought about his decision again. Should he go on with this?

Samuel turned the corner, and saw the girl. He did not know if he liked her, but he felt something.

His heartbeat went faster, faster. Remember the plan.

Classes were a blur. He sat on the edge of his seat. Fidgeting. His leg moved up and down.

It was near dismissal now. He waited outside her classroom, sweating for a different reason. The moment she went out, he signalled his friends to get ready.

They walked behind her, careful not to be seen by blending with the hurrying students.

She walked, nearing the exit and her friends. He walked in front of her, making her stop.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she frowned a little. "Excuse me?"


"Why-what do you want?"

He took out his guitar, and cleared his throat. Her friends nudged her and gave her teasing smiles.

"This is a song that I wrote. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but here goes nothing."

"You, among a hundred flowers were the one that captured me.

I thought that you were strange but now I see.

You are so beautiful and so kind.

And I, I'm a pest to you.

Please give me a chance.

We could be amazing, like sparks up in the sky.

All I'm asking is a chance to make you happy....

I hope that you can see my feelings.

Will you give me a chance next time?

I'm just making sure that you won't be take-"

"That's very sweet but I have got to-"

"Give me a chance to explain. I saw you and I wanted to be with you but I'm not ready. Yet. When I have a steady job, and am emotionally stable, I'm asking you out. All I want now is a chance."

She looked like she was having a battle inside. "Why are you doing this?"

"I want to be with you in the near future."

"I am reserving myself for you?"


"That sounded like a question."

"Yes or no?"

She finally, finally smiled. And her smile, is so stunning, it can blow you off this planet.


All of their friends cheered.

He was in college now, waiting for his girl. Well, if she says yes, anyway. He had a part-time job, which was babysitting. It wasn't enough to sustain a family, but it'd be good enough for now.

She was nearing him already. Almost there.

"Hey! I'm looking for a girl, her name's Candace. She's supposed to be here. She's awesome, wise, kind, beautiful, and cute. If I continue, this will go on forever. She also has curly black hair and eyes that are blue with a wedge of grey in her eyes. Have you seen her?"

She looked surprised. "I do not know who you are talking about."

"You really do not?"

"Yeah." She faked a confused look.

"Oh I'm just going to tell you then. Can you pass this on to her?"

"Sure. What is it that you wanted to tell this awesome girl?"

"I wanted to ask her if she could go on a date with me this Friday."

Candace's eyes widened and her expression was side-splitting.


Her eyes refocused on him and then she gave a shrug.

"I am going to tell her right now. She says she wants to if you insist."

Samuel was going on a date with the girl he likes and he is so eager for Friday to come. For now though, they would be going somewhere she'd appreciate a lot.

"C'mon princess." He held out his arm for her to take and she shyly hooked her arm through his.

"I'm taking you somewhere," he grinned.

"Move forth, noble steed!" she replied and he chuckled. Oh she'll be so flabbergasted when she sees this.

Samuel took her to a cafe with a library. All her favorite books? They were there. And her desired drinks? There too.

Her jaw didn't drop, oh no. She just gazed at the library, at him, then beamed.

"Thank you so much, Samuel! You're the most awesomest person after me!"

He smiled, knowing she'd appreciate it and be happy. And he knew she said awesomest on purpose. Just like he was right now. Awesomest feeling ever.

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