what is this magic?

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We all started to enter the great hall i noticed Draco wasnt there yet so i just told mione i would sit with them and then i felt a light tap on my left shoulder.i turned to find a familliar pair of silver mystic eyes.

"Hey jess." He smiled.

"H-hey draco...what happened to the name change...?"

"Eh, nothing much i just think...never mind...i forgot what i was gonna say..." he looked confused. It was kinda funny watching him mouth over his last few lines. He looked up and even more confusion came into veiw. "Um...whats so funny?" He still looked confused.

"Nothing..." i rocked back on my feet.

We went to the Slytherin table. I was welcomed by death stares. One i couldn't shake off was from a girl that had a very ugly face...it kinda reminded me of a pug...haha.

"Ummm draco..." i didnt have to finish my stentence for him to realize.

"Cut it out, pansy!" Draco snapped.

She just glared at me and said. "She is not welcome here." She went scary calm.

"Um why...?" I asked.

"For countless reasons...your a,goody-good griffendor, you hang with...potter-"

So what!!!!"i snapped out ar he as the whole table went silent and draco was looking annoyed at pug-face pansy...hmm that name suits her.

Just shut up pansy!" Draco snapped.

"Im sorry draco but I'm gonna go sit at my table where I belong." I say quietly. "Because if I belong anywhere I know it definitely isn't here." I get up to walk away, when I hear the pug say "oh wow I geuss Griffindors are smart!" Tears prick the back of my eyes when I hear draco chuckle I start back to my table when draco grabs my wrist it sends a shock up my arm I turn and say "this is why harry told me not to hang around the Slytherins...i should've listened" i anachronistic my arm away and walk out of the great hall and into a bathroom. As I entered I heard crying in one of the stalls.


A gost girl with big round glasses and long black hair...she kinda reminded me of harry.

"Leeeaaavvvee Meee aaalllooonneee!" She dragged out.

"Im sorry to bother you but...who are you?"

"Never mind that just Leeeaaavvvee mmmeee aaalllooonneee." She says again so I say bye and leave as I'm walking up the stairs I hear a faint whisper in a distance 'give me the stone...give me the stone...GIVE ME THE STONE!!!' I just keep walking when I hear it again and again just keep getting louder and louder as I hit the top of the stairs a gust of wind hits me and I start to tumble down the stairs when I reach the bottom I hit my head on the stone I see red blocking my vision...then it went black.
Hey guys I know it has been a VERY long time I have been very busy and I lost my phone then I got another one two moths ago and I wasn't even thinking about wattpad but one thing is for sure...I'M BACK BABY...ok nvm I'm weird...

Zoe porter 😜

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