Chapter Thirty Eight

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27 November 2014 – Thursday

Burkesville, Kentucky

Angellica looked at her daughter and smiled.  “How are you feeling?”

 “Like shit.”  Azhure said, holding her hands across her eyes.  Suddenly she got up and ran from the room.

 “Heading for the nearest sink.”  Lucien laughed.

Angellica gave him a gentle thump on the arm.  “Don’t be mean.”  She scolded.

Adam sighed.  “Poor girl.”

 “She’ll feel better soon.  She’s nearly three months pregnant now.”  Lucien said, his eyes moving to his daughter sitting on the floor playing with her doll.  “At least that’s what they say.  She wasn’t this sick with Brenna.”

The girl looked up at she heard her name.

 “Good girl.”

 “Where Mum?”

 “Gone to the toilet.”

 “Oh.”  She said and went back to her doll.

Azhure came back into the room, looking slightly pale, but better.  “Gosh, this is shit.”  She said, sitting down next to Lucien on the couch.  

He wrapped his arm around her and she leaned heavily against him.

The phone rang.

 “I’ll get it.”  Angellica hopped up and headed to her office.

 “What are you guys going to do this afternoon?”  Adam asked.

 “I might just sit here and puke every now and again.”  Azhure said with her eyes closed.

Adam laughed, “You wanted the babies.”

 “Well, yeah, of course, but I’m allowed to moan about it aren’t I?”

 “I’d rather you didn’t.”  Adam replied, laughing.

Azhure groaned.  “Oh shut up would you.”

Lucien laughed.

Angellica walked into the room, stopping in the archway.  She didn’t look as happy as she had been a moment ago.

 “What?”  Adam asked, instantly concerned.

 “Devlin got bail last week.”  She said.

 “Oh great, as if I didn’t already have a reason to be sick.”  Azhure moaned and dropped herself back onto the couch.

 “It gets worse.  He’s been living in Burkesville with Damien.”

Azhure groaned from the couch.

Adam got to his feet.  “Is there anything we can do?”  He asked.

Angellica shook her head.  “I’ll let Mike know.”

 “I want to go home.”  Azhure said, getting to her feet.  Her nausea forgotten.

 “Brenna, time to go.”  Lucien said, bending to gather his daughter.

Azhure stopped next to her mother.  “It will be fine.  I’m not fourteen anymore.  He doesn’t scare me like he used to.”

Three weeks later Angellica sat bolt upright in bed.

Adam lay snoring.

She threw back her covers.  

Angellica padded down the stairs to her office and opened the curtains to look out the window.  Snow was falling.

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