This is the time when I heard the words "I am going to get married". I was eight years old when my mom told me that she was going to accept my now fathers proposal. We had been going to his house many times before because he was an old friend of hers. I wasn't afraid of having a new father but after six years I was kind of nervous. Calling another person "Dad" just didn't seem right. That and the fact that he had a son that was twenty-five days older than me. I was always used to being the oldest. My mom and step-dad ended up getting married.
It was on June twenty-fourth 2010. I will spare all of the fine details such as "You may kiss the bride". It turned out he was a really cool guy to hang out with. Him and I would build robots and computers together, we would talk about arguments we had that day. After him and my mom were together we moved to Danville and his son and I went to Toliver for fourth grade. My little brother went to second. I would always get home and he would be there. From that day on for the past five years we have all been together, happily.
I am still nervous about him because we have had our "up and downs". I will always have those moments that we had together and moments I will look forward to. His son and I are like best friend and are attending Boyle county middle school. I still get home and he is waiting. In the end but not the very end I will always hold the following words in my heart that he had said to me. "Wyatt, do you want me to be your dad."
Papers I wrote for school
Non-FictionPapers I wrote for school. 7th, 8th, and 9th grades