The Virginal Pillager Chapters 1-6

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Chapter One

Some days the Sea Abyssus was a pirates best friend. There was no need in raiding land because the skies were blue and the cities were taking advantage of the weather. Other days, sometimes weeks into months, the Sea of Abyssus was any man living's worst nightmare. The winds howled, thunder rolled, waves crashed. Merchant ships capsized like tiny toy boats in a barrel of water. Even the port cities dreaded the angry sea. They ran low on supplies, disease spread as the water rose and mixed the drinking water and well water with the fowl sewage tunnels. The pirates didn't mind the storms too much. It was always good pickings when they found a capsized supply boat or if they were really lucky a royal fleet to get a bountiful hostage. The best ones were when they found a prince or princess who thought they were skilled enough to take on the sea. Even on the blue sky days the amateurs were easy pickings.

Captain Lydas Tyden was a feared pirate. Even his first mate, Bones, shook in his boots when Lydas raised his voice. Lydas wasn't one to make threats. If he told you your time on his crew was up, not only was your time on the ship up, your time with air in your lungs was over. He was to cut a man's beating heart from his chest and let them watch it pump for the last time while they died. On several occasions he had thrown a man overboard for looking at him while he was having a private thought.

Lydas was the captain of the Virginal Pillager. Lydas was sure the ship had never been used for much sailing, let alone pirating. Taking the ship was the easiest conquest of his life. He had been a first mate on a worn old ship, The Sea Dog, and he was just tire of not being his own boss with his own rules. The Sea Dog and her crew came upon Cloud Castle's royal fleet docked in the harbor. His captain ordered them to pillage the ships for supplies and weapons and to be quick and quiet. Lydas looked at the Sea Dog, then the flag ship of Cloud Castle's fleet, then back a the Sea Dog. It was an instant choice. Before his captain realized what he was doing, Lydas, Bones, and ten other men were sailing off with the newly stolen flaship of a royal fleet.

The old Captain of the Sea Dog knew this day was coming. Lydas was no longer a boy, he had grown into a fierce yound man. The old Captain was proud of him, but at the same time afraid of what would happen if they met in battle. King Segnis had no idea what hit him. When the report was brought to him that not only had his entire fleet been pillaged by pirates, but also that his flag ship had beentaken, his already plump red face looked like a cherry about to explode. He called the commander of his royal army to his throne room and demanded justice. Considering he wasn;t the brightest of ings, the commander had to explain why this just wasn't possible.

"Sire, we were pillaged on our own dock by some two hundred pirates. All the men aboard the ships are now either dead or injured. All the supplies the pirates could carry are gone. All the weapons aboard the ships are gone. And to make mtters that much worse, our fastest, most aromoured, and most loaded with weapons ship, your flag ship, is gone as well. Please, your grace, tell me what it is exactly that you want us to do to get justice?" the commander explained, clearly perplexed by King segnis' iggnorance to the situation.

The king scratched his bright red triple chin. He lifted his head and lookd thecommander in the eye. "Burn the fleet. Burn every last ship in the cove. Cloud Castle will never again be subjected to this kind of madness. Burn them all. And if there is an injured man left on any of the ships, I want him burned alive with the ship he let get pillaged."

"Your Grace, you cannot be serious," the commander pleaded. "THIS is madness. We were raided by pirates. We had no warning. Destroying the ships will leave us know way to get supplies. You will not be able to travel from Cloud Castel unless you go on horsback through the mountains. Travel will take months instead of weeks."

Queen Assecula spoke up from beside her king," If the king commands it, you will do it. That is the way things work at Cloud Castle. Now run along and do as you were told." She grinned like a giant stupid ogre, which wasexactly what she looked like. "That's how I command, right honey?" she asked king Segnis.

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