Fujimi Highschool

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It is a beautiful morning in Japan. Dan is now driving his son to school. Dan is wearing his mechanic uniform and Wesley is wearing his black school uniform with a white T-shirt underneath with a Medal of Honor Wolfpack logo in the center. Wesley was still mad that he have to wear a school uniform which he hates. He didn't like to wear uniforms when he was in JROTC in high school in LA. Dan then noticed that he doesn't like and starts to cheer him up.

"Hey cheer up, Wes. I think you look good in that uniform."

"I fucking hate it." Said Wesley.

"Why do you hate uniforms?"

"I have my reasons."

Few minutes later, they have made it to the Fujimi High School. Dan parked the car in front of the school entrance.

"I'll pick you up after school." Said Dan.

"Got it, dad." Said Wesley.

After getting out of the car, Wesley wave a good bye to his father and then Dan drove off. Wesley then turns around and starts to walk his way to the building. Fujimi High School is a big school and there are a lot of kids here. Wesley then see a young man, almost to his age on top of the roof. Wesley gave out a grin, knowing who he is. The young man has Black short casual spikey hair, brown eyes and most likely Japanese. He is wearing a black school uniform with a red T-shirt underneath. The young man smiles and then gives him a wave and Wesley did the same. Wesley then starts to walk to the school. Class didn't started yet, but a lot of students go to classes really early after they pickup their schedules from the cafeteria. Before Wesley could meet the young man, he had to get his schedule from the cafeteria first. After that he start walking to the roof. As he walk through the hallway, he accidently bumped into a young girl, making her dropping her books and Wesley was feeling bad about it. The young girl has long, straight and shiny purple hair along with a triangular fringe at the front that barely touches the ridge of her nose, and she is also shown to have blue eyes and sizable breasts. She is quite tall for a Japanese girl. Almost taller than Wesley.

"I'm sorry about that." Said Wesley as he started picking up the girl's book.

"No, no. It's fine." Said the girl trying to pick her books up.

As they tried to pick up the last book, they accidently touch each other hands and looked at each other. Wesley was looking at the most beautiful thing he have ever seen. The two then came back to reality.

"Sorry." Said the two as they move their hands away and the girl grabbed her book and got up off the ground, same as Wesley. "Are you the new student here?"

"Yes I am."

"And you are an American."

"How did you know that."

"Your accent."

"Oh yeah."

Both of them were giving out a soft laugh and smiling at each other.

"So do you have a name?"

"Wesley Hayabusa." Wesley answered. "What's yours?

"My name is Busujima Saeko, but you can call me Saeko." Said the girl.

"What a beautiful name."

"You are the first boy who says my name is beautiful."

"Well not only that...you are beautiful yourself."

Saeko then gave out a giggle and was blushing a little.

"Well I have to go to class." Said Saeko. "See you around?"

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