Losing A Friend

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"MOVE!" Yelled Wesley as him and his friends were running.

The four had ran to the roof.

The groans of the creature, and the sounds of their makeshift weapons hitting and stabbing the flesh of the classmates and teachers, were clearly heard as they made their way to the staircase.

"Hisashi, are you O.K.?" Wesley had asked his friend, helping him up the stairs to the secluded part of the roof with the help of Takashi.

Rei stopped halfway on the stairs and lanced her weapon into one of the monster's chest, a war cry escaping her lips.

"Are you nuts?" Takashi asked and stopped at the top of the stairs to stare at Rei in question.

"Say what?!" She exclaimed and the walking dead used the weapon that was stuck in it's chest, to knock her against the wall.

Her minor shock was replaced with fear as the beast started to come closer.

As it started crawling she raised her arms up in front of her face and shouted,

"Get away!"

"Re-" Takashi was cut off by Hisashi.


He grabbed Takashi's bat and ran down to Rei, smashing the head of the monster into the concrete walls,

He grabbed Takashi's bat and ran down to Rei, smashing the head of the monster into the concrete walls,

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above the young, teenage girl. Blood dripped from the being as it fell on to the stairs below, and Rei immediately got up.

"Ah, Hisashi." She spoke relieved and grabbed her broken broom stick that she had taken as a weapon, slowly walking towards him.

"Did you see that? You need to smash their heads to kill them." Hisashi sternly spoke and noticed another walker coming up the stairs. With a grunt, he ran and kicked the female walker, watching as she tumbled down the stairs and smashed it's head on the floor below.

"Rei! Hisashi! Hurry, this way!" Takashi ordered the two friends and after they'd rounded the corner, his face contorted with a look of anger and confusion.

Few minutes later, it was late afternoon, the sun was lowering slowly, but night wasn't close yet. The four friends have already created a barricade so that the creatures would not come to their position.

"Why, why is this happening?" Rei asked.

"There has to be a reason, maybe if we figure out what is causing it, we can stop it. Or at least, protect ourselves and...we need to look around. Find matches or a lighter around here somewhere. If we don't make a fire now, we're going to be fucked when it gets dark." Hisashi spoke to the group, before coughing up some blood.

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