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I still heard that little voice telling me how wrong this was and how I shouldn't be doing it, but I kept it at bay and didn't do anything to stop what I was going, not even when his lips touched mine, kissing me with so much passion and adoration. My knees did buckle then, and his strong arms surrounded my body, keeping me on my feet and hugging me to his body.

It felt as if I was in another world when his tongue made its way into my mouth and I was able to taste him. His moan matched mine and the feel of his arousal against my stomach made me sure that I wasn't the only one who was affected so powerfully by this. His hands were roaming all over my sides and naked upper back, while his lips left mine to kiss wherever he could reach of my neck and shoulders. I was a limp noodle in his arms.

His lips were so soft, so warm and so tender. His body was as hard as marble, as hot as a sunny day and as firm as secureness would feel if it were able to be touched. His touch was so gentle and kind; it felt almost like possessiveness and the need to-never-let-go.

Shouldn't, shouldn't, shouldn't ...

I had no idea that we were making our way to the bed until the back of my thighs hit the edge of the mattress. My heartbeats raced against each other and my chest rose up and down with my shallow breaths that tangled even more when he laid me down and his hand found the zipper of my dress over my side.

"Wait," I said breathlessly. That little, tiny bit of my mind that was still working begged me to tell him so. "I, uh, I don't even know your name."

His eyes found mine, full of passion and ... it was like there was fire in them. Not the kind of fire you mean to describe excitement, desire or ache, no – fire. Like, real fire. Flames. Hot with hints of redness where only white should be. And for some reason, I didn't think twice of it or about it. His breaths fanned over my skin when he spoke with a smile on his lips, "It's Justin, Beautiful Angel."


I smiled sweetly back at him. "You don't know mine," I stated in a hushed voice.

"Of course I do." He leaned in and kissed my neck before he made his way with his lips up to my ear where he whispered, "Beautiful Ariana."

The sound of my name falling from his lips sent shivers down my spine, and I almost lost it, but like the majority of everything that had happened that night, it was very, very strange that he knew my name. It was almost – creepy. I knew he hadn't hear Sophie calling me by that name, since she only ever called me Ari, but I thought that maybe he'd heard me when I was introducing myself to Matthew? That could be it, but I couldn't even remember if I'd told him that my name was Ariana or Ari.

Justin's mouth on the top of my left breast made me forget everything and I suddenly didn't care anymore, about anything. The voice of reason inside my head faded with each new kiss he left on newly exposed skin. I didn't even think twice when he whispered, 'My soulmate' again, the same thing he'd said to his sister, or how serious he was about this.

"It's so different with you," I whispered. "With other boys I ... uh, I always wish for the ground to open up and swallow me whole when they just talk to me."

His eyes found mine. "Be careful of what you wish for, Beautiful Angel." Back then, I didn't question what his words meant. But now ... I do know what he meant by it. Oh, I know it so well.

With the minutes passing, the two of us were nothing but naked bodies pressed into each other – arms pulling, legs tangled, hands touching and fingers pinching sensitive spots. My wings were a bit uncomfortable, but he wanted me to keep them on. I couldn't find it in me then to think of the whys or whatever, I just ... lived in the pleasure he was giving my body and my heart.

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