Chapter 1

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"You self-absorbed, cunt fuck!"
"Bimbo bitch!"
"Walking STD!"
Okay, let me guess, 'what's happening?' 'Whose yelling at who?' Let's back up to when it all started.
Cue memory-lane music:
It really all started when this bitch -- soon to be my ex-best friend -- I found was whoring around with my boyfriend of two years! Her name, you might ask, is probably the worst name out there: Alex. I honestly thought that we were like best friend goals! But I guess I was wrong, like sooo wrong. Like Nicholas Cage doing crappy movies wrong.
Anywho, I just got back home from a three month internship in London. Not so long, right? Like army and naval people go longer without seeing who they 'love', right? Twisting the promise ring that I got from my boyfriend, Lanson, right before I had to leave for my internship. So much for that promise.
I end up throwing the ring at the two, they still aren't dressed, in Lanson's bed, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Expecting a water-works show? Too bad, I don't cry over people, especially guys. Taking out my phone, I call up my older brother, Brett, luckily he's home visiting. Questions later.
"Yellow?" He picked up after about two rings, in that amount of time I had managed to walk down Lanson's stairs and out the door, conveniently Lanson was smart enough not to follow me and try that begging crap.
"Can you pick me up right now? I'm on Lanson's block..." Please don't ask why ...
"Why don't you get Lanson to take you home? I'm kinda busy...Jamie is over..." He almost sounded like he was purring...wait what? Whose Jamie?
"I'm not asking that cheat to take me anywhere." I stated, monotoned, I hoped.
"Fine, but you're telling me everything." He huffed into the phone the same time I heard a disappointed girl in the background, not even going to ask.
"Thank you, oh big brother of mine." I ended the call and waited on the corner of the 'perfect and happy' neighbourhood. Such shit.
"Mace?" A voice cracked, I thought he knew better than to follow me. "Mace, please look at me..."
"No." Trying to make my voice as hollow and cold as I could. "You two are both sluts. Perfect for each other."
"Mace..." He sounded like he was going to cry. Good.
"No one calls me that anymore, don't talk to me." I stood up and began to walk towards a car that was all too familiar . "Brett, thank god you're here." Hopping into the passenger seat, to proceed and look out the window at Lanson, finally dressed, I acknowledged.
"Mason please, I can explain everything." He tried to get me to believe him, as if, he's lucky I didn't break anything of his bones.
"Lanson, it's best if we just break up, so it's over, Au Revoir," I wiggled my fingers towards him as a wave, and Brett drove us home. Leaving him sanding in the street.
After a bit of a silent car ride, he spoke up, "Are you going to tell me why thirty minutes after you left, you're calling me to come and pick you up?" He looked over at me and then back at the road. This is going to be one long car ride home.
"I found Lanson cheating on me with Alex." I said as if it happens all the time, so casual, right? Looking over at Brett, he looked happy? Why was he happy?
"I told you so!" He sang, I just looked at him in disbelief.
"When did you 'tell me so' Brett?" I asked annoyed now more than before. I hate when people say that dumb line. But it's so typical, not even my twenty year old brother could be serious about this 'tender' topic.
"I told you he was going to break your heart by doing something stupid, and he did. So yes, I. Told. You. So." He looked so proud of himself, for telling me that back when I was a sophomore, I'm just amazed he remembered.
"I guess so." Monotoned. I guess this the part where I start crying, plotting revenge, and all that jazz. But I'm not crying, yeah it hurt and all but I don't need to mope around my room, crying and gaining twenty pounds from eating ice cream at all hours of the day. Nope. I'm going to make myself irresistible.
"Mason, get out of the car already, it's been seven minutes since we got home." Brett huffed and complained, holding open the car door. One thing I should have known: don't sit in his precious car longer than necessary.
I nodded, unbuckled the belt, and simultaneously grabbing my long board -- one of the most relaxing modes of transportation -- and walked upstairs to my own room. I looked around, looking for things to burn that Lanson and Alex gave me. And I see a lot, time to get a move on.

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