Misaki Yata

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"Come on, Yata, get out!!"

"No! I don't want to!"

For the past ten minutes, you had been trying to make Yata going out of the car. All HOMRA was at the beach today. Mikoto and Izumo were relaxing under their beach umbrella, Anna and Tatara were playing together, Kosuke was teaching Eric how to swim, Chitose was trying to seduce some girls, and Kanamoto was cooking yakisoba. Everything was doing good until Yata came running like crazy to the car.

"Yata, it's okay now, you can get out!"

"Shut up! I can't!" To be honest, if Yata didn't want to go out of the car, it was a bit of your fault...


you were looking at some girls who were fangirling over Yata.

"Look at this guy! He surfs so well!"

"Yeah, you're right! I think we should go talk to him after!"

'Pff... If they go talk to him, he will become so shy, he won't be able to talk propely!' You thought.

Suddenly, an idea came to your mind. Since Yata was your best friend and you loved to tease him, you decided to make him a little joke...

"Hum, excuse me" you said to the girls. "Yeah?"

"You know, the guy who was surfing... He loves when people talk to him, especially if they're girls... Don't hesitate to have a little chat with him! Bring all your others friends, he will love to be surrounded by such sexy girls!" You said with a grin.

"oh really? So fantastic!" Then, a croud of wild fangirls rushed over him.

"Huh?! What-what the fuck is going on?" Yelled Yata, with a red face.

"Woah, you're so cute!"

"Look at him! He is muscled!" You were laughing so hard, at the sight of Yata surrounded by girls in swimsuit.

"What the hell! They're going to rape me! HELP!!" The poor boy ran as fast as he could to the car, and locked himself in.

*end of flash-back*

It was already the end of the day. The other members of Homra were in a hotel nearby, and you were still a the beach, trying to recomfort Yata.

"(Name)!! How could you?! You are my best friend! I trusted you!"

"Sorry... But your reaction was priceless!" You laughed again, remembering his face who was red as a tomato.


"Hey, Yata? Don't be mad... I said i'm sorry!"


"If you continue, i will tell Mikoto-san you cried like a pussy just because of a bunch of girls!!" You said. " OH, HELL NO!" He was so cute when he was all mad like that. No wonder why the monkey like to tease him so much.

"Fine, i won't tell him!" You said, between laughs. "You better not! Well, let's go to the hotel with the others, i'm sooo hungry!" He said, standing up, but his feet slipped and fell on you. It took a few seconds for the both of you to realize that your lips were touching. "Ack! What the-?!?!" Yelled Yata, pulling away.

"W- WOAH!!! (Name) and Yata making out on the beach!!!" Yelled Chitose, who appeared out of nowhere.

"You've got all this wrong, you asshole! And, what are you doing here?!" "Well, i was looking for you two... Until i saw you two kissing... It was you first kiss heh?"

"Y-yeah... But... Ah, FUCK! If you say what you saw to someone, i will kill you!" While Yata and Chitose were arguing, you were standing there, in shock. ' i just stole his first kiss...' You thought, 'hum... Then, i will stole his second too..." You smirked. Ah, how you loved to tease this boy... It was surely an interesting day at the beach...

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