Reisi Munakata

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Your face, your clothes, everything was dyed red.

Your entire body ached.

How did this happen? It had starded in a small argument and ended-up in a full blown fight.

You placed a hand on the cold stone wall, trying to catch your breath.

Rain was pouring. It was dark and your vision was blurry.

As you tried to move forward, your foot slipped and you collapsed in the middle of trashbags that were thrown in a alley.

'I can hardly move...My whole body feels like it's burning from the inside....Is this the end?' You thought, looking up to the dark sky.

Your life had always been a mess.

Your parents never really payed attention to you. When was the last time they had took you in their arms...?
When was the last time they told you they were proud of you...?

At age 16, you dropped out of school and eventually joined a group of delinquants.

They were the same as you. Lost and confused teenagers that had nowhere to go.

"Go away! You're are not allowed to stay in my house! You are not our daughter anymore"
Is what your father told you once he learned the news that you had dropped school and joined a group of junkies.

But you coudn't care less.

"Am I going to die like this...? In the middle of trash bags?"

Just when you thought everything would be over, you heard faint voices.

"Hey! I found a girl!"

"She's hurt?! Help her!"

After that, you blacked out.


5 years later



"(Last name)-kun..."


"(Last name)-kun! I'm talking to you!"

"Eh? Oh! Sorry Munakata-san! You were saying?"

"You looked quite in deep thought. Is something bothering you?"

You shook your head. "Not at all. Thank you for worrying though."

The blue king smiled. Oh, that beautiful smile of coudn't get enough of it. In fact, you just coudn't get enough of him. To you, he was the definition of the perfect man.

Yes, you were in love with him.

He had this aura that made you feel secure, something that you haven't been for a long time.

"(Last name), have you finished today's report?"

"Yes, here ma'am!" You said, handing the papers to the lieutenant Awashima.

"Well then, I think work's finished for today. We can go back to the HQ" Said the king.

Everyone sighed of relief. Finally, a long day of work was done.

"Props to you (last name)-kun, you did an exellent job today" said Reisi, putting his hand on one of your shoulders.

An inevitable blush made it's way on your cheeks. "Thank you sir."

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