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~Xavier P.O.V.~

I looked in the mirror. It reflected a tall male with radiant grey eyes with complimenting facial features. I inherited my eyes from my father. It made me hate myself more because it made me think about him. How he abandoned my mom when she was pregnant. Did he even know she was pregnant? How he never visited or even sent a letter. How he was never in my life but maybe it's better that way. Today was my graduation. High school will be history. No more annoying tests and bickering teachers and noisy teenagers. Most importantly, no more Melody. I have to end this friendship because I'll have to focus on my training. Plus I don't want her to know what I am; it would only place her in danger's path.

"Hey mom" I waved at her while descending the stairs.

"Desayuno?" She offered me a sandwich.

"I'm good." I smiled at her and exited the house. I began walking when I heard Lo's voice.

"Oi Xav, wait up!" Lo ran a little to catch up to me.

"You're all dressed up today. I wonder why." I winked at her. Her hair was open with luscious chocolate brown curls reaching for the ground. She wore a little black dress with sparkling ruby earrings and red shoes to match.

"Isn't it too early to start teasing me?" Lo breathed out annoyed.

"I'm kidding Lo. But honestly, you do look nice." I gave her a genuine smile. We arrived at school and Lo went with her girls while I went to my locker.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing with my girl?" A voice shouted. I noticed Jacob walking in my direction. A hand gripped my shoulder turning me around so I'm face to face with him.

"Who is this girl of yours?"

"Don't act dumb with me." Jason snapped.

"I don't..." His fist made contact with my jaw hindering me from completing my sentence. Instantly I tasted a metallic substance that I love so much in between my teeth. Flicking my tongue I licked my lips cleaning the blood in the process. I stood still gathering my thoughts. This human just punched me. He busted my lip. There is no known being that ever laid a finger on me. Jacob Hunter is the first and will be the last. I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths. Jacob swiftly lifted his left hand to land another punch but it never met my stomach. I held his fist stopping it. There was barely a centimeter, if that much, space between his fist and me. Using his other hand he raised it to hit me. Immediately I grabbed it. I held both arms exerting enough pressure to cause pain, maybe a few fractures but not to completely break them. He screamed out in agony and I enjoyed his misery. His screams were music to my ears. He was so weak and worthless compared to me. An ignorant human wants to challenge me. Mr. Hunter must be insane. Lo's voice broke through my thoughts.

"Stop. Stop it. Please!" She yelled running towards us. I released his hands noticing that he was crying. What a wimp. Can't handle a little pain?

The graduation was basic and simple. No originality whatsoever. I collected a certificate and I was the top Maths student. How crazy is that. The gown was the ugliest thing I've ever seen. As soon as it was over I peeled the filthy thing off of me. It probably wasn't washed in decades judging from its odor.

Apparently, there is an after party which I'm of course not attending. Lo hasn't spoken to me since my little incident with Jacob. She will be going since she's basically the definition of a social butterfly.

Before I reached for the door, it opened revealing my mom.

"Xavier, you're home. I'll be spending a week or two at your aunt Rachel's. Hasta luego mi hijo. Be good for me." Mom hugged me and dragged her suitcase out of the house. I looked on as she flagged a cab and got inside. She left.

"I need a drink." I went directly to the fridge, typed in the code and collected a blood bag. I punctured it with my canines and immediately spat it out. My tongue hung out of my mouth as I gagged and tried scrapping the remainder off.

"What a disgrace to blood" I stared at the label, A-

"You just ruined a perfectly fine blood bag."

"Like I care. You can have it." I pushed the bag into Amon's chest and plunged unto the couch.

"I don't understand why you dislike A- blood type. What's wrong with it? " Amon joined me.

"I don't 'dislike' it. I f*cking hate it. It's salty as hell and is like rubber in my mouth. Blood is meant to be silky and metallic." I looked at him in disgust as he drank from the bag with bliss.

"But it's not as bad as O+. That is the most bitter that I've ever drank. " Amon stated.

"You're a demon Amon. Plus everyone has their own taste. For me O+ is like a drug. It's addicting just the perfect combination of metallic and bitterness and a drop of sweetness. Just right." I switched through the channels at an unnatural speed.

"Just choose a channel already. My eyes are hurting due to your constant switching."

"Shut up. My house. My television. My remote. "

"I'm older." Amon smirked.

"Your point old man? "

"Don't f*cking call me that!" He stood up immediately.

"Serious talk. When are we starting my training?"

"Now. That's why I came here in the first place duh."

"God no por favor. Don't ever say that again."

"Shall we be on our way?" Amon appeared with yet another blood bag.

"How do you change up the way you speak so often?" I was curious. Sometimes he speaks like a chill teenager and the next like an authoritative father. Amon is the closest thing to a father-like figure that I have in my life. Fatherlike? Ha. What am I saying... he's worse than a girl on her period at times but nonetheless, I am grateful for him. He'll be an amazing father when the time comes. I just know it.

"I've lived through many eras Xavier. Some accents rubbed off on me and other faded with time. The world is always changing."

"Do teach me oh great master." I laughed amusingly.

"Always mon fils" Amon laughed along with me and we entered a cloud of mighty white light.

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