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~Amon P.O.V.~

Within a few seconds Xavier and I arrived at my home. I kept on thinking about what I just said. Where did that come from? Mon fils? I don't believe he acknowledged it since he was laughing. Besides Xav doesn't know French. I hope.

"Okay so tell me what you think you know about yourself? Your true self." My voice became a bit demonic.

"Other from what you told me? I know nothing."

"Go on."

"The beast which is the evil me will somehow consume me. I will become worst than the devil himself and end humanity."

"Not quite. But it's a start."

"Enlighten me then."

"Training comes first." As soon as I finished that sentence, I landed a punch directly on his left eye.

"Mierda!" Xavier growled as his fangs descend. He looks so much like his father. They were practically twins. The only distinction being Xavier had black hair while his father has platinum blonde. He recollected himself and charged at me.

"Speed up boy. A snail can run faster than you." I mocked him, ticking him off even more. There is a small part of me that wants to see the true beast but I know better. He will be become the alpha of demons and vampires. He will the most fearsome being and will be above all else. Xavier will be God's equal. The evil half.

"Ahhh!" I grabbed my arm where blood was oozing out. Xavier caught my left arm and sung his fangs into it. With one swift move I spun and kicked him across the room. Xavier landed on the wall, breaking thoroughly through it. We fought until I noticed the sun had set and stars illuminated the sky. The matches were dispersed between Xavier and I. He won some; I won some.

"Alright. That's about enough training for now. Physically." I said trying to catch my breath.


"You must train mentally also. I will tell you your true purpose with time. There will be massive surprises. Both good and bad. It depends on how you categorise them."

"Amon, why are you helping me? What do you want in return?" Xavier asked hesitantly.

"All of your questions will be answered in time."

"Don't give me that bullsh*t. Just...just tell me. Please." Xav lowered his head.

"There is no rush." That was a lie...a very terrible one in fact. He's going to become what he is meant to be and there is no one capable of stopping him. The Xavier I know would be long gone.

"I'm going to grab a drink, want one?" I asked walking over to my bar.

"Tequila" A very faint, barely audible voice spoke. I grabbed two tequilas and strode back over to Xavier.

"Enjoy." He collected it and gulped it down instantly.

"I needed that." He breathed out heavily. As I drank mine, my phone vibrated on the counter.

"One minute" I excused myself. I walked into the dark hallway and finally answered the call.

"What took you so long?" A deep voice boomed from the speakers.

"I'm not the one calling on someone's phone at 1 a.m." I yawned in pretense.

"Only weaklings need sleep."

"Oh vampires. Always so full of themselves."

"What can I say? We're the full package. The best."

"And what makes you better than everyone else?"

"Well, demons for the first are hideous creatures."

"At least we don't need blood for survival."

"Touchè. What were you doing?"

"Beating my meat."

"Demons always so sexual" He sighed annoyed.

"You asked and I simply gave you the truth."

"Tomorrow." The person on the other and hung up. And I went back to "beating my meat".

"Xavier, why don't you go get some rest."

"Is something wrong? Who was that?"

"My mom, you know how she is at times"

"I would love to meet her someday."

"Soon" I smiled and went up to my room. I picked up my phone and dialed a number which I would probably regret making later but I'm "living life in the moment".

"Hello my sexy beast." A seductive, disgusting female voice answered.

"Come over"

"Anything for you." I ended the call.

I audibly exhaled and awaited her arrival. "She will help relieve my stress and increase my strength, restoring me to my original power but will never be of pleasure. I need to be fully charged. Genevieve will only be a sex slave. She is not capable of pleasing me no matter how hard she trys. She'll never be good enough. I must say she is quite skillful with that tongue of hers. You know what Amon? You disgust me sometimes. I.." The closing of the front door and her scent notified me that Genevieve was here. Why must she bathe herself in perfume? I lied down on my bed as I listened to the awful sounds her heels created. Minutes later, my door was opened revealing her in the tiniest bit of clothing I have ever seen.

"Wouldn't it have been better if you wore nothing at all?" I slowly sat up.

"I...wanted to look my best for you." She smiled seductively.

"Let's get this over with" I thought to myself as I launch at her, closing the door while leaving a trail of wet kisses down her neck. She moaned loudly as her fingers tightened on my hair, pulling me closer.

As weird as it sounds I've never kissed Genevieve on her lips or went down on her. Afterall that's the number one 'don't' when sleeping with a whore. Besides I'm saving that gift for 'her', i.e. if she even exists. Her legs wrapped around my waist and I walked over to the bed. I lied down once more and she attacked my belt.

"In a hurry, are we?" I chuckled.

"How does this thing even work?" She exclaimed quite annoyed.

"Here love" I laughed and simply pushed a button and the belt was off and she went to work passionately. What I like about Genevieve is her being able to keep up with me. I like rough sex, I find it more enjoyable and gets the job done quicker. She isn't clingy either. Plus I'm not into that lovey-dovey bullsh*t. We f*cked? Cool, get on with your life. You are of no importance to me. I got what I needed. Strength.

I guess every being need something for survival. Humans need food, Vampires need blood, demons need sex, werewolves need flesh, and the list goes on. I'm just hoping that someday I will find 'her' and she will be enough to quench my lust. Where are you my love? Où es-tu mon amour?

Our 'meeting' lasted less than 15 minutes. I didn't even bust a nut but she had a real good time. I was back to normal but that's all it did. I didn't get any relaxation or pleasure whatsoever.

"That was the best I've had since in forever." Ms Little Hoe complimented me.

"Glad you enjoyed yourself. Now leave." I stated putting on my trousers.

"But I..." She stood up

"Clearly you didn't think you would've spent the night here, did you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You're such an asshole you know that."

"I do have a nice asshole, don't I?" I turned around and pulled down my trousers.

"You make me sick." She stormed out of my room. I pulled up my bottoms and walked behind her.

"Correction love, I make you feel like you're in heaven; said it yourself" I smirked and watched her as she ran out the house, into her car and sped off. That's the last of her. Hopefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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