Beautiful Art

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 I'm so glad that Marvel wants to get to know me but I don't know what to ask. What if I screw up and ask the wrong question? What if I give myself away? What if potatoes take over the earth?! God no that could never happen...or could it?

"What's your favorite color?", holy dinosaurs! I jump in my seat.

"Uh sorry, orange, what's yours?" I'm an idiot I was probably drooling the whole time.

"Well, mine's green, what kind of orange?" Does it matter?

"Like sunset orange, what's your favorite animal?"

"Well I really like deer, what about you?" Animal, well fuck I love all animals.

"Oh hippos, I love hippos, what kind of foods do you like?" Really foods, good job Essence way to go, a fucking plus.

"Umm I really like gummy worms, they like my addiction", really now gummy worms, I would see him as more of an apple guy.

"So you see any guys you got your eye on yet?", he tensed at my question, what the hell any other guy would be all over that question.

"Uh no, I mean maybe, sorta, not really, shit, I'm stupid", what an answer, he looks like he's gonna puke.

"Hey, are you okay? I can take you to the nurse", now he's red, what the pancakes is going on here?

The bell rings, I collect my books and stand, waiting for Marvel. He fumbles a bit before collecting himself. I don't say anything I just walk out, again with marvel holding onto my shoulder. I head down the hallway to English, stopping in front of a room waving my arm dramatically.

"This is your stop young sir, I am off to advanced math", he chuckles then smiles lightly. He gives a small wave before walking into the room nervously.

I go back down to my locker dropping off my English notebook and grabbing my math book. Fuck this, why am I good at math? I walk back down to English and stop. I take a quick peek in the room. Marvel is sitting in a corner looking at the wall. I continue on my way, math is two doors down and to the right. Mr.Rikkardous is the worst, most people call him Mr.Ridiculous. I walk in and take my usual seat in the back corner.

"Settle down everyone did you all do your assignments?" Well yes, and the friggin class hasn't even all gotten here. I get up an assignment in hand, I place it on his desk and turn around.

"Ms. White, how are you today?", that stupid cocky smile I want to slap it to his forehead.

"Good how are you?", god can this conversation be any more awkward.

"Wonderful, wonderful we need to have a talk after class", dammit.

"Yes sir" end my life oh mighty grape god, just do it.

I walk down the aisle to my seat. The rest of the class piles in, kids sit down in their usual spot opening to page whatever working on assignment whatever. I open my book and start to work on 346, I'm a junior one senior class and I don't even wait for the assignment to be given, what is wrong with me? A long fifteen minutes go by and I snap my book shut. Gazing into the whiteboard, I think about Marvel. Is he a ro? He got nervous when I asked him about guys. I dwell on the subject in my mind for a while. Shit! I jump up and gather my stuff quickly. I walk up to Mr.Rikkardous's desk, well he's smirking like a pedo, wait he is one.

"Well, it seems as if I need someone to play the nurse in Romeo and Julio is production and it just so happens that I know the perfect person in whom I can blackmail", the stupid dick-weed.

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