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"Good morning, my Angel" Harry's soft morning voice, wriggled throughtout my ears. His hot breath fanned over the side of my face. I jolted, eyes bursting open, jumping up from the bed and away from the boy beside me. His large hands, tightened around my torso holding me in place, preventing my escape.

"What the hell?!" I screeched, in utter shock wriggling in the warm embrace. 

"Relax, Angel..its just me" Harry whispered, with a deep chuckle following after, and I tensed.

"And, how the hell is that supposed to help me relax?" I hissed, rolling my eyes, tugging uselessly on his iron grip. 

Harry, shook his head batting his finger at me, indicating I was being naughty. "You were relaxing, when you allowed me to, give you that um- love bite there on your neck love."

Harry cooed. His dark jade eyes  traveling down my body, I then realized I was only wearing my night gown, which rose just below my knickers.

 I nervously, tugged at my gown pulling it down to my knees. A light shade of pink heated in my cheeks. "How did you, get in here anyway? And how long were you here?"

I gasped, at the thought that Harry was watching me sleeping in such an exposed attire. 

"You shouldn't have a ladder, just at your window which was unlocked..you were pratically asking for me to come in..and I've been ere since six this morning.." Harry's voice softened. "Your beautiful to watch sleeping love." 

"Well, I don't appreciate that.." I growled, pushing my hair behind my ear. "And my boy-"

"Boyfriend? Right..is that your friend George?" Harry teased, his voice was grounded teasing me.  

"Fine..I don't have a boyfriend, but that doesn't mean I want one anyways.." I squirmed in the covers, pulling the duvet over my lower half. 

"Then, why did you tell me you had one?" 

"Because, I thought you would leave me alone..that's why" 

I seen that dark smirk, play across harry's features. His left hand moved up to my face grabbing my chin, "but you don't want me to, now." harry whispered, his dark eyes lingered on my lips. "do you?" 

Before, I could say anything harry's lips captured mine in a sweet delicate kiss. As harry moved my head to the side, pain. Stinging, throbbing aching pain, aroused in my neck, where Harry'd left his mark. Whenever, I moved my head the pain seemed to become more harsh, crushing my eyes shut, willing away the pain. Cracking my eyes open, Harry's lips left mine, his eyes searching mine for an answer as to why I wasn't kissing him back.

Harry cocked his head to the side, a why look on his face.

"My neck.." The soft words, left my mouth. 

Harry's long finger, brushed over the love bite softly caressing it. I winced at the tender pain, gritting my teeth together, trying to ignore the excruciating pain. 

"Sorry, love." Harry's softly spoken words, actually pulled me into forgiving him. I just nodded watching as harry raked his fingers through his dark thick curls. 

"It's okay, Harry" I reassured him. His eyes left me, and aimed at the duvet over my body. 

I continued, a conversation with Harry but I noticed that, Harry wasn't looking at me. "Harry! Look at me." I demanded, 

Before I knew it, Harry slowly lifted his head, his emerald eyes were full of sorrow. It softened in my chest. It trickled me, I'd never seen Harry like this. 

Harry cleared his throat, before speaking. "I will see you later, okay?" Harry spoke, in a deep husky voice. Raising from the bed, harry stood over me.

"Uh, okay." I mummbled. Watching as Harry turned around walking towards my bedroom door. His dark skinny jeans hung below his waist, tied with a brown belt.  

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