40:No standards.

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"We need to talk" Harry says rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. He does that a lot when he is nervous, and why is he nervous? 

"About what?" I ask, I wasn't completely drunk but, I was definitely border-line. 

Harry grabs my arm and he pulls me into an empty room across the hall of the bathroom. The spacious room is dark, and has three beds in here. A large window and a huge light. It has drapes and bed posts to decorate the bed. 

"Why did you grab me like that you ass" I say and fold my arms across my chest. Harry can smell the liquor on my breath, and notices my pupils dilate. 

"Max, what the fuck? You're drunk" He growls tugging at the curls at the nape of his neck. I laugh and shake my head. "I'm not drunk, see..I can still take my clothes off" I lift the thin material of the dress up my legs and I lift it over my head, throwing it somewhere in the room. 

Harry clears his throat and looks away. "Why would you take part in this slutty atmosphere?" He says, and I walk towards him. "I had nothing better to do," I whisper and I wrap one of my arms around his neck and my other twirls his curls between my index finger and thumb. 

Drunk or sober, I miss Harry. In that way, the thoughts of Kee hadn't drained from my mind yet they swelled themselves into my mind but I was going to save that for tomorrow. I need to feel Harry again, I want him to moan my name and I want him to make me feel good.

"Max, get dressed..I'm driving you back to your dorm" He says and pushes me off of him. I stumble back but regain my balance. Luckily, or I would have fallen straight on my bum. 

"Your girlfriend is here" I tease him, my own choice of words hurt my feelings but, I had no idea what I was saying.

"What?" Harry hisses.

"Kee, she is downstairs. I'm sure you couldn't miss that shitty ass blue hair of hers" Her hair really made me mad.

"Don't be ridiculous max," Harry tells me. I frown when I find that harry doesn't find me irresistible. I want harry to make me feel wanted and sexy. I frown, I was going to pick at him more.

"I want to feel you harry, I just want you." I tell him, not sure if I was half convincing him or not. He hands me my dress but I smack it away.

"You're drunk, and I'm not taking advantage of you" He tells me. Maybe if I was sober I would appreciate that, but right now I didn't. 

"I bought this new lingerie for you, and you don't like it" I say, and now that I mention it Harry seems more distracted by my breast nearly popping out of the bra when I fall down. 

"Max, don't be childish"

"Don't be so rude to me!" I yell and my feet meet the floor again. I walk towards harry and I just want him to pin me against the wall and show me how bad I've been. Wow I've never thought like that before.

"I'm not being rude, I'm being respectful, because I know you will regret whatever we do in this room tomorrow!" Harry yells, and honestly I hate it when he yells. The veins in his neck and forehead are evident. 

"I know but, I had to come out tonight. I couldn't be in my dorm thinking about you and my first time" I tell him. And he grabs my arms backing me into the wall pinning my arms above my head. Kissing harshly against my neck and collar bones with force. "I...Have been...holding...back...so...long" Harry says in between kisses on my neck, lips and chest. 

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