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When I awoke I was in the room I had awakened in the previous day. I was no longer secure in Travis's arms. I got up off the floor and went to the door labeled "Life Meant For You" but this time it was locked. There were still three other doors I tried them all but only one was unlocked. It was titled "Reality." I opened it and stepped through. I was in a hospital room. It only had one patient. She was banged up pretty badly. I picked up her charts and skimmed through them. Fractured ribs, whiplash, herniated disk, punctured lung, she also has some cuts here and there from some glass, and has been in a coma for the past month or so. I put the chart back on the bedside table. I sat beside the girl and sighed. I moved the hair out of her face and played with it.
Why did the door bring me here? What possible reason could it have for showing me this girl who's all beaten up? Man she'll be lucky if she lives.
I removed my hand from her hair and folded my hands together.
Dear Divine Warriors, please help this girl recover. Please give her the strength to hold on and to make it out of this alive. Help her through her therapy and treatments. Help her throughout the rest of her life. In Irene's name we pray, Amen.
I sighed and took her hand in mine. I caress the back of her hand with my thumb. She has a small stitch on the back of her hand. I heard a group of people talking outside the door. I just kept rubbing her hand. Then a doctor came in. She was small woman but very beautiful. She had a name tag that said "Dr.Pam." I stood up as she came in. She was just focused on the girl on the bed. A group of people came flooding in. Travis, Jess, Aaron, Katelyn, Nicole, Dante, Kawaii~Chan, Garroth, Laurance, Vylad, Adam, Jin, Barney, Ross, and Max.
How do they all know this girl? Wait- is she...?
She is, she's me. That's ME lying in that hospital bed. I'm the one who's all beaten up. I just prayed for myself. I usually don't ask the Divine Warriors to give me anything....
Dr.-I'm sorry you haven't been able to see her until now, but rules are rules. Now you can have a quick look but we can't all stay in here for long. We'll go out in the hallway and I will answer any questions you have, and you can all visit her but in smaller groups.
I stepped out of the way while they all stared at my body for about five minutes. Dr.Pam ushered them into the hallway. I followed them out of the room.
T-how is she?
Dr.-well, we've been able to stabilize her condition for now....
J-for now?
Jess was shaking in Aaron's arms.
Dr.-well...... Y/N has been doing good so far, but we can't keep food in her system, and she's she's getting weaker and weaker. Our medicine and treatment can only take her so far, it really depends on her will to live at this point and there's nothing science can do to increase that. You might want to have someone visit her ever so often and talk to her. You know, keep her spirits up
M-how much longer can she survive like this?
Dr.-it's hard to say, but I'm guessing she has maybe another month or two unless.....
Ad-unless what?
Dr.-that's, never mind that. Which one of you know her the best?
K-I do
Dr.-well then I need to have a moment alone with you. When I return I'll start letting you in to see her in small groups
Katelyn and the doctor walked farther down the hallway and around the corner so they were out of earshot. I followed them while seeing everyone's worried expression.
(Sorry if this isn't accurate about you but this is you in this world)
Dr.-does she have any brothers or sisters?
K-one younger brother and one younger sister
K-her mom is.... deceased and her dad is in jail
Dr.-how old are the siblings?
K-the boy is seventeen and the girl is fifteen
Dr.-are the siblings staying with someone?
K-yes, their aunt
Dr.-where are they?
K-about two hours from here
Dr.-had anyone told them?
K-well, no
Dr.-why not?
K-I...... don't know
Dr.-well they need to be notified to see if they want to pull the plug
K-you mean.....?
K-ok, I'll go call them
I then followed Dr.Pam back to the rest of the group while Katelyn made a phone call to my aunt. She let Max go first since he was technically still my boyfriend. Max sat down in the chair beside the bed. He grabbed my hand and it made me really mad.
Who does he think he is?! Last time I saw him in real life he was trying to rape me! Travis should be the one holding my hand not this pervert. Even though Travis is a pervert too, I like to think he's my pervert. I have no idea was Ross saw in Max.
(I ship MithRoss!)
He just sat there staring at my face. He looked like a sad Max. He couldn't bring himself to do anything but hold my hand. After what seemed like the longest ten minutes ever, Dr.Pam let Jess, Aaron, Garroth, and Laurance in. I never really got to know any of the boys that well, except Travis. They're probably just here to support Jess, she's one of my closest friends. She was one of the people who were there for me after the thing with my mom and dad happened. Jess sat beside my body on the bed while the boys stood around the bed. Jess grabbed a brush from her purse and combed through my hair with it.
Typical Jess, always worrying about the tiny things.

Hey guys I do hope you enjoyed it! @shanedawsonrules suggested that I make a Reader x Max book. So what do you guys think about it? Go ahead and tell me in the comments if you would like me to do this story or if there are other stories you would like me to do or just anything you wanna ask me!!! I also want to apologize about the whole prayer thing, I'm sorry if that isn't your religion or if you don't believe in God. Cya later beautiful people!!!

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