Reality Pt. 3

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My aunt had been in a rush to the hospital so she was still in her scrubs. My little sister was shaking and chewing her fingernails down to their nubs. My brother was just listening to music, trying his best to stay calm. After talking to the front desk my aunt and siblings speed walked over to the elevator. I rode with with them up to the floor my body was on. Katelyn was waiting for them when they came out of the elevator. Katelyn grabbed my aunt's arm and lead her towards to the room my body was in. Dr.Pam was in front of the room when they had finally made it to my room. She opened the door and followed them inside. My aunt covered her mouth with her hand as tears welled up in her eyes. My sister fell to her knees and cried into her hands. My brother stopped his music and sat next to my sister as he tried to calm her down. My aunt walked over to me and checked my charts. She shut her eyes tight as tears escaped her eyes. My brother took my sister out of the room and Katelyn walked with them down to the rest of the group. Dr.Pam and my aunt went out into the hall but out of earshot of everyone else. I went down to the group while Katelyn and my brother tried to comfort my sister.
"We can't lose Y/N! I can't handle another death!" My sister sobbed out.
"Shhh. Calm down Katie, she's not gonna die." Katelyn shot Dante a dirty look as she held my sister.
"H-has anyone told dad?" Katie squealed.
"HE'S NOT OUR DAD! HE MIGHT BE OUR BIOLOGICAL FATHER, BUT HE SURE AS HELL IS NOT OUR DAD!" My brother screamed at my sister then ran off.
"Chris!" Katelyn yelled then sighed.
"Should one of us go get him....?" Garroth asked.
"No, it's Chris. He needs time alone." Katelyn continued to rub Katie's head.
"H-hey, um can we do something nice for Y/N?" Katie looked up at Katelyn with her puppy dog eyes that broke my heart every single time.
"Sure, what do you want to do?" Katelyn smiled and kissed her forehead.
"Well, like make her look more like her," Katie let out a couple tears and Katelyn wiped them away.
"I know what you mean, and of course. I'll get the other girls and some stuff then we'll get started ok?" Katelyn released her and gave her a small smile.
"Ok," Katie slightly nodded her head.

After about ten minutes Katelyn, Katie, Jess, Nicole, Kawaii~Chan, Cadenza, and Lucinda were in my hospital room. Kawaii~Chan, Jess, and Cadenza were doing my hair. Katie and Katelyn did my finger nails. While Nicole and Lucinda did my toes. They made my nails match, both were a beautiful teal. Katie did her little signature swirl on my fingers. I chuckled at them.
They are so sweet. Heh, my crazy girls and their need to always make me look better.
After they had finished they left, but soon after they exited their presence was replaced with Travis's. Travis got on the bed and laid next to me. He played with my hair and swirled it around his fingers. With his other hand he grabbed my hand and kissed it.
"I'm s-so sorry Y/N," Travis managed to choke out these words. "I-I-I love you, but you love Max and I understand. Please, just come back to us. I'll do anything please! Just please! I can't live without you! Even if you aren't mine, I need you in my life! It's my fault you're in here! I shouldn't have called you........

I need you,
in this world living and breathing.

Your always in my thoughts,
even when I'm sleeping.

There is nothing to describe your beauty, not a single word.

Your voice made my heart melt,
anything that escaped from your lips I wish heard.

I love you not just for your beauty,
but your for your mind as well.

do not make me say farewell."

Travis buried his face into his hands and sobbed. His shoulders shook as he let silent tears roll down his face and onto the sheets.
Travis! Don't cry! Please! I swear to Irene if there was a way for me to come back I would in a heartbeat! Irene just show me how! Please!!
I crumpled to the floor and cried as I watched Travis suffer. I shook and my breathing hitched as I tried to calm down, but with no luck. The room started to spin and my vision got blurry. I struggled to keep my eyes open. They eventually shut tight and I fell over onto my side. My head slammed hard into the hard floor. I felt very nauseous, as the room seemed to still spin on the other side of my closed eyelids. I slowly started to drift into and unconscious state..........
Hey guys! I have kinda somethin planned for the next chapter so it will probably come out soon! Go ahead and leva a comment if you want! Love you guys!!!!!!!!! Cya later beautiful people!!!

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