Chapter One- The Two Sisters Grimm

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    The road seemed endless as the time went by without a second thought. Cars zoomed through the gargantuan city, and the trees that were dangerously close to the highways swished along with the flow of the incoming wind. Skyscrapers touched the levitating puffs of tissue-white clouds, giving the impression that they were built with a long time production amount and were enormously proud with the hard work spent in the production of these magnificent, looming beasts of buildings.

   Of course, the excitement was most definitely not shared by a select handful of teenagers in their high-school years. The city of Tokyo, Japan made those selected students cringe in fear for the upcoming years that will probably tick by at snail speed.

   The reason behind why these teens were quivering with a terrified or worried expression on their faces was because of one simple thing. The school they were transferring to.

     The background of this mysterious school district was hardly ever talked about, or simply never revealed to the public ears. The graduates of this so-called "pretentious" academy hardly ever spoke about their circumstances within the academy walls. Citizens, forums on the internet, and other public media speculate about this occurrence. Some state that they teach the students psychology and social interactions along with regular subjects, while others say that they hypnotize the teenagers on how to get rid of their problems that are "hurting" them, whether physically or mentally.

       Otherwise then the shady background this academy unfortunately has, it also keeps a creepily subtle, yet understandable meaning behind the name given to it.

                                                             Despair's Retribution Academy.

      The reason behind this title was that the students who were enrolled there had problems, like stated before. The students can be joined into the academy by simply either having a severe mental complication, done something downright despicable, but something not so horrid that they'll be taken to juvenile prison, or, if the parents are so desperate enough to send away their own children, the Unlucky Lottery. The Unlucky Lottery is, like the name already suggests, a lottery that will place hundreds of kids' names out, and the only one that will be pulled out will have to attend Despair's Retribution Academy. Emphasis on have to. It's pretty much law in Japan, and nobody could reject that law.

      This is the same case for Enoshima Junko was facing at this current moment. Her usually tanned skin was pale with dread, yet a serious, bold expression was on her face. Yet, even then, her beautiful sky-blue eyes was clouded with worry. On her plaid crimson skirt sat a notebook and a pencil, both having black-and-white bears imprinted crudely onto them. And then, there was the tiny leather package in her sweaty palms.

   The lengthy car ride was slowly starting to bore her. The original emotion of worry was fading away and being replaced by a state of lethargy.

   "Hey, trucko. How long do I have to sit here and wait until my skin falls off?" she called out to the driver sarcastically.

   The sweaty vehicle-driver huffed, drops of his sweat flying off his acne-covered body. Junko ducked from the repulsing liquid. She gripped the torn leather chair harder, her heart filling to the brim with abhorrence for the detesting man.

   "Yeah, woman. In fact, we're here," he snarled at Enoshima with the similar loathing feeling curling around his pupils like a boa snake with its prey in tow.

   At this, Junko jumped back up and leaped towards the cracked window to her left, and her thin eyebrows raised to the surprising scene crawling into her vision.

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