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: Did you like the first chapter? Do remember that this anime is not mine. I am only a writer whos hoping to find my readers in giving me their time and do the following: comment, vote and follow.... Thanks!!]


Fangirls are scary.

That, they are.

 They kept on breaking the leash--that being ourselves, Yuki, Zero and I's body--to reach their feelings to the other side. A trully pitiful sight indeed. One girl even turned balistic and pushed Yuki down the ground. I gave Yuki my hand for her to grab on when the sight of Kaname senpai greeted my line of sight. I draw my hand back and placed them around the students body and hopefully, enough to stop them upon advancing any further. Sweat trickled down my forehead, my back and even my hands. Disgusting.

Kaname senpai help Yuki up, embarrassment written all over her face. If I am correct which I believe I am, she likes him. While Kaname senpai on the other hand, I am not entirely sure what he feels. He kept his emotions under lock and key. Plus, he is kind to the both of us, always caring, always thoughtful. He was our knight. A long time ago, where Yuki and mine's memory started. He saved us against a vampire who was almost ready to tear us apart and for that, I was thankful, me and my sister actually.

"Thank you for your hardwork Yuki, Yuri and of course Kiryuu Zero"

Kaname senpai stated with his ever gentle brown eyes facing mine and my sisters' then to a silently seething Zero.

"hands off Kuran"

he speaks the name of Kaname senpai like a curse.

"I am merely helping the prefects and giving the utmost gratitude we the night class wanted to convey"


Zero strongly said facing the fans as if he was talking to them, and annoying? Isn't it a bit childish?

"Zero! respect Kaname sama!"

"just because you're a prefect, you can insult the night class!"

"you are the one whos annoying!"

the students keep on insulting Zero, and a few to either of me and Yuki. The night class students soon dispersed and went to their homeroom while the day class retreated to their dorms.

I watch them go then face my fellow guardians.

"Zero why do you hate Kaname senpai?"

Yuki ask him, concern present in her brown eyes.

"Why don't you? He is a vampire. They're all are vampires, purely evil creatures"

His words works like acid in my ears.

"Kaname senpai is not evil. He saved us, You remember us telling you that didn't You?"

Yuki defended. Voice pleading to be heard by the heart mold with ice.

"Exactly, He is a vampire and no vampire is kind without reason"

Zero argues. Hate filled violet orbs facing Yuki, making her cower in fear.

"Most vampires may be evil but not Kaname senpai. He is very Kind, Zero"

I cannot help but insert my thoughts and a glare was what I get as a response.

"very kind my ass"

he muttered in disdain. I sighed at his attitude then glance at the forest. Early dinner is coming soon and speaking of.

"father said to head home early. He prepared dinner for all of us. Be there"

with that, I turned away to start patrolling.

"your naivety astounds me"

I am not sure who's ears he wish to hear but I did not heed his words. Because I believe in what I had experience.

Kaname senpai is kind. His words will never change that. There might be a lot of vampires who only wish to hurt us humans but there were still a few who do not wish to do such awful things, and Kaname Kuran is one great example. He is a pureblood afterall. It is necessary to believe them.

Anyway, some students likes to wander near the moondorms during night, hoping to take a peek to whoever they admired in the night class, even though it is a rule to not to.

It is dangerous. Since not all vampire students are well tamed. A few loves to play with the day class. which in turn is quite unacceptable.

Kaname senpai held them in authority since not only was he a pureblood, the highest rank of all vampires, but he was also the president of the night class. He carries an alluring sense of leadership that low class vampires cannot help but complied to his wishes, and his wishes coincides with my father's (non biological) who was also the headmaster of the school, the wish to create a peaceful harmony between humans and vampires. Call them pacifist but even I wish for such event to happen. It's just unfortunate that Zero thinks otherwise. He came from the family of vampire hunters- the Kiryuu family, but they were attacked by a pureblood and he was the sole survivor, the rest dead -or at least thats what I've known so far.

I lifted my gaze upward, to the now orange hue sky then held it down to the heart of the forest I'm in. It's getting chilly and darker. My left hand touch a solid object on my left side, a two feet sized, three-sided wooden sword perched at my left. A weapon, that only us prefects can carry and can weild.

If I have the sword, my sister has the rod while Zero has the gun. The advantage of our weapons is that, they all had the upper hand when facing vampires.

They were all anti-vampire weapons.

One hit and you'll find an either hurt vampire or a dead one.

Yuri: Humility and Devotion[Vampire Knight]Where stories live. Discover now