The Beginning of everything

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Oh hooray! Another year at the hole the city calls a school. God! 365 more days and I'm free! Free of all the homework, idiots, thugs, and all the people that make fun of me. This year is going to be perfect!

Or so I thought, when that girl with the baby blue eyes that looked like the ocean tried to find a place to sit on the bus. I was going to discover the secret of life. And it all starts with Mary Cunningham.

But let's not get carried away. I'm gonna start from the beginning. My names Jake, I'm a seventeen year old nerd who looks like a Mexican microphone. (Not Mexican by the way. I'm Italian, black, and white) I live in a town called Lawton in Oklahoma, and I can't wait to get my fat ass out of here. This place is full of stoners, thugs, murderers, rapists, and just straight up Douche bags. I also have a little brother named Thomas, he's a pain as little brothers should be. Mom and Dad too. They're okay sometimes but, they can be unreasonable, like say you look through your money stash and you notice 20$ is missing. You ask your Dad and he says "Boyyyy. I'd never steal from you I'd ask if I needed 20$"
" I never said how much was taken Dad..."
My dad narrows his eyes and with his green eyes he gives me the penance stare like the ghost rider. He waves his hand " You are going to go to your room. And forget you talked about this" I blank face. "I am 17 years old. Your Jedi mind tricks don't work on me" That type of stuff happens often at my castle of a home. After that I go to the bathroom to take a shower. I stop and look at myself in the mirror. "Jesus Jake. Could you look anymore like Fluffy Iglesias?" I squeeze my belly fat and look up at my face. Average features: Tan skin, brushed eye brows, almond eyes, and a head of hair my dad calls a microphone. Thanks for the genes Mom and Dad.
I sing Rocky raccoon in the shower and then go to bed. August 25th tomorrow Jake, Judgement Day. Arnold Schwarzenegger save me!

I wake up to my screeching alarm. I slam it, slap myself awake as I'm struggling to get up to go back to prison for 365 days. It could be worse, I could be the weirdo that doesn't have any friends and is made fun of. Oh wait I'm one of those things. The weirdo that has friends out of pity. I don't think I've mentioned this but I'll say it once. I have aspergers, it's basically a syndrome that makes me socially and mentally awkward. It's kind of a miracle I have friends. Anyways, as I'm at the door ready to walk to my bus stop my mom stops me. She's so beautiful, her curly frizzy hair that makes mine look like a dirty tooth pick. My mom looks at me with tears and says "My little J-bear. You're a senior and you're gonna leave me." My mom is a strong woman, but she has her Mom moments. I sympathize for her with a smile and kiss her forehead. "I'm always gonna be your J-bear mom"
I'm doing the walk of shame as I walk up hill to my stop at 6:40 in the morning, listening to November Rain by Guns N Roses.

The bus stops to me and I breathe slowly. I walked up the steps and fell to my usual seat in the middle. The beauty of having my Cunning good looks is that no one will sit by me.
I lay the back of my head on my window and read Eleanor and Park (what? I'm a hopeless romantic, shut up). All the usual tools are picked up. But there's one that lives to Annoy and Humiliate me. Tyrone fucking Johnson. This guy has been torturing me since he pulled my pants down when I was in kindergarten. He sees me and "accidentally" hits my leg. The jerk looks at me and grins. "Oh! Nice to see you too Jake. You asshole" I don't even look at him, I have a bit of temper. Tyrone is someone that doesn't know that I take Taekwondo. If I wanted to I'd judo throw his ass on the ground in front of all of his peers and baby mamas. I smile as he walks away and sighs. Closing my eyes ready for the dreadful ride to Mathias High. Then I hear a innocent voice yell " Wait!" Then this awkward looking girl gasps for breath as she enters the bus. I could feel her nervousness from a mile away. She was shaking, I've never seen a girl so red, her pale skin had red blotches all over it. She moved for the back but I heard Tyrone yell " aww hell nah! I'm gonna suffocate if she sits over here" I glare at him, she's still moving towards his direction and he stands. "Girl. You better get to steppin. Turn your poca dot looking ass around and find a buffet to chill at" She looks up at him. She was tall, not fat like me. She was. Curvy, Blonde hair and the most gorgeous eyes. I couldn't stand to see her as another one of Tyrone's victims. She looked ready to slap him into next week. I didn't know what to do. But what I do. Changes everything that's going to happen in my life forever. I stand, everyone's eyes trained on me except for her. I move toward her and I say. "Hey. Sit by me. It's neutral in the middle." I grab her hand and she flies away from my grasp. She looks at me with utter disbelief. I mouth. "Please". She surprisingly followed me. I breathe again. Look at Tyrone. And give him the bird. He blows me a kiss and I knew I was going to get shit for what I did. She sits down by me and she doesn't even look at me. She's looking at her hands in her lap. She was shaking, anxious maybe. She slowly turns to me and barely whispered in the most beautiful voice. "Thanks." I didn't expect a British accent to come from her. I stuttered and said "Y-your welcome...". She looked at me with a smile and a frown. "You didn't need to defend me yknow?" I thought she was angry at me for a second. But she leaned close to my ear and whispered "But I'm glad you did". I was stunned. No literally I couldn't move. I didn't want to leave this position we were in. Her shoulder pressing against mine, her breath like a cool breeze of air and vanilla brushing over my neck. Sadly she pulled away and grinned shyly. I struggle to say " I don't like bullies. And it's not everyday I get to save a damsel who was in distress. I'm talking about Tyrone not you". She laughed, her laugh was contagious so I laughed with her. Her eyes were closed so I took my chance to stare at her. Admire her facial features. She had snake bites, she wore a black shirt that said "Hello from the dark side". She had this thing she did with her eye brows. When she laughed they raised themselves up against her snow white skin. Her eyes matched my second favorite color, blue. I felt I was being swallowed up in her ocean she calls eyes. I'd stay in that ocean forever if I wanted to. But what I absolutely could not stop staring at was her lips. They looked like little strips of pink tinted marshmallows that I wanted to eat. She notices that I'm staring and looks down embarrassed. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" she holds a hand to my lips and looks up at me. "It's okay. I know I'm weird, a weird freak show everyone loves to stare at and judge. " I pull her hand away. But I don't let go of it. "You're not a freak, weird yes. But not a freak. And... I wasn't staring I was. Admiring that Picasso painting you call a face." She seems astonished by what I said and begins to tilt her head, staring at me puzzled. She asks me "What have you been smoking kid?" I laugh and smile softly. "I mean it Snow white. I think your. Interesting." Her and I both realize I'm still holding her hand. She looks at me and slowly pulls her fragile and soft hand away from mine. She laughs nervously as red splotches appear on her neck. She asks me smiling " Well what's your name Romeo?" I grin "No not Romeo. Jake. Jake Reynolds, what's your name? Prince Charming?" She laughs again. I love her laugh. She looks deep into the windows of my soul. "Prince Mary Cunningham". I smiled at her, she suddenly rested her head on my chest. I didn't mind, AT ALL. I folded her onto of my pillow of a body and she rested her chin on my neck. Then she whispers "You're pretty comfortable. Like an adorable teddy bear.... J-bear!" I groan and smile at the thought of my mom's childhood Nick name for me. "And the name follows me where ever I go". She laughed quietly into my shoulder. Then fell asleep. Like a sloth hanging onto a tree. A very beautiful sloth with snake bites.

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