Chapter 4

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Suddenly, he heard a sound come from behind him. It was a growl, but it didn't sound anything like an animal he knew of. He whirled around and came face to face with a large dog like creature that was the color of a moonless night and with bright yellow eyes filled with ravenous hunger. Saliva was dripping from it's mouth as sharp whitish yellow teeth snapped at Alfred. Paralyzed with fear, Alfred stared wide eyed at the hunched over beast. If it stood on it's hind legs, it would be taller than the house he was in! The animal took a step forward. Alfred took a step back, wrong move. The creature lunged itself at Alfred!

"AHHHHHH!" Alfred shrieked as he fell to his knees, dunking under the animal causing it to collide with the turned over bed. Taking the moment of distraction, Alfred got up and ran out of the cabin.

"RRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRGGG!" The beast howled as it came sprinting out of the cabin and after Alfred. It was on his heels as he sped up faster.

'WHERE DID THIS THING COME FROM!?' Alfred thought as he ran passed abandoned cabins and fields. Suddenly a sharp pain surged through Alfred's right arm as the creature clawed through his clothes and skin. He almost stopped, but realized that the beast was still behind him so he continued to run and hold his arm in hopes that it would stop bleeding soon. The creature let out an ear piercing howl as Alfred turned a corner and hid from it. The thing stopped and looked around trying to find the young colony. It seemed to grow agitated as it tried so sniff out Alfred. It started to growl and rub at its snout as it looked in Alfred's general direction. It shook its head and started to approach some barrels and boxes that hid the blonde from the creature's piercing yellow eyes. Just as it got close enough to Alfred's hiding spot, they heard another howl that seemed to echo throughout the dark foggy forest. The dog like creature growled in some kind of protest and backed away. Relief filled Alfred as he heard the creature leave. He let out a sigh that seemed to take all of his fear and nervousness away leaving him as relaxed as possible. A small smile started to form on Alfred's face as he thought about what just happened.

'Arthur's going to throw a fit once he sees me!' Alfred couldn't help but giggle as he thought of the Brit's reaction.... His laughter got a little louder and something wet was starting to stain his cheeks. The laughter soon turned into cries of despair and loneliness as Alfred hugged himself wishing that England had already found him. It was getting colder and he couldn't feel his feet or hands... Not wanting to give up just yet, Alfred tried to stand up, but fell back down. He let out a pain filled groan as he tried to sit up. His body felt like ice! It felt like he was being burned all over... He could see his breath in white clouds as they started to become dim as less appeared... He couldn't move and everything around him started to freeze as everything got colder. .. His eyes were growing heavy as he stared up at the darkened sky and just as he closed his eyes, he saw what looked like little snowflakes...

"Yes.... Sleep my dear child... No one can hurt you as long as you are with me..." Someone whispered as they leaned over the sleeping blonde. "You and I will be together forever... Just like it used to be..." A frail bluish white hand reached out and softly started to stroke Alfred's hair turning some of it white. "No one will take you away from me."

~With England~

England was on his ship heading back to the 13 colonies. He was passing back and forth as France stared at him. The Frenchman was worried about Alfred too, but he knew that the kid could take care of himself and that this wasn't something to get so worked up over.

"Angleterre. you need to calm down. I'm sure Alfred is just fi­" He was cut off as England stomped his foot down and glared at him.

"Alfred is not FINE! He is in DANGER!" England yelled at him. "He's probably scared, and lonely, and terrified, and sad, and crying, and cold, and and and and...." England fell to his knees causing France to rush over to him. "I'm a terrible person... I'm a bloody terrible brother!" England cried as he hit the floor with his fists. What was he going to do now? He's already lost so much and was trying his hardest with America, but it looks like that's going to turn out as a failure too! "What if he's being chased by something or he is huddled in a corner waiting for me to come get him? What if he's searching for me! And I'm nowhere near him!"

France couldn't believe his eyes. England actually cared a lot for America. A small smile of kindness appeared on France's face as he tried to console the Brit. "I'm sure he is doing just fine. You have seen what he's capable of so there's no need for worry. He's a brave boy and can take out anything that tries to attack him!" England looked up at France after his little speech.

"Maybe you're right..." England said as he smiled at France. "But I'm still worried about what could ha­-" An ear piercing scream stopped England from finishing as the two of them stared at a hallway. They looked at each other then back at the empty corridor. Fear enveloped them as they rushed down it and into one of the rooms.

"Mattive!" France shouted as they bursted through the door. Matthew was huddled in a corner as he clutched his right arm.

"It hurts! It hurts!" He cried as he rocked back and forth. The two adults looked at each other before they ran to him.

"What's wrong? Mon cher?" France asked as he tried to take Canada's arm.

"Did something happen?" England asked as he tried to sooth the child. Matthew cried and started to shake.

"Al... Alfred!" He yelled out as he continued to shake even more. England looked at France with fear in his eyes as he looked back at Canada.

"What? What is going on? Is Alfred alright?" England questioned as he held Canada close to him. A look of shock appeared on Arthur's face as he hugged Canada even closer

to him. "Why are you so cold?" France immediately went to get a blanket as England tried to calm down Matthew.

What was happening to America?

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