Chapter 5

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"What? What is going on? Is Alfred alright?" England questioned as he held Canada close to him. A look of shock appeared on Arthur's face as he hugged Canada even closer to him.

"Why are you so cold?" France immediately went to get a blanket as England tried to calm down Matthew.

'What was happening to America?' They both thought as Canada cried harder.

~With America~

America's eyes fluttered open as he regained consciousness. He stared up at the dark sky as tall decaying trees loomed over him. He wasn't in the same place as last time and the large dog beast thing was gone. He moved his head slowly to the side to look around him. It was darker than before and seemed a bit colder, but it was hard for him to tell since he couldn't feel much anymore. As he looked around he could make out a clearing to his left. He stared at it in wonder before realizing that that could be is way out and he could go home! Filled with new found strength, America lifted himself off the ground and started to make his way toward the open space. He could see England and Canada again! He wouldn't even mind seeing France too. All he had to do was make it into the clearing and he would be save and home again.

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from behind him. Fear swept through America as he came to a stop. Taking a deep breath he slowly turned around... America gasped in horror and stumbled backwards as he came face to face with a pale and sunken in figure. The creature screeched and ran toward him as more rustling and high pitched screams came from around them. WIth tears running down his face, America ran as if his life depended on it and in this current situation it did. But he wasn't fast enough.

The pale ghost like figures reached toward him as they tried to grab him. Some managed to take a hold of his clothing and tore it as America struggled out of their grip. A few were able to grab his arms, legs, or torso and left behind scratches or bruises. Tears fell from America's blue eyes as he started to lose hope of ever returning home and just as he was about to let the creatures take him with them, he heard a voice.

"AMERICA!" They yelled. Running footsteps could be hear as two more voices started to call his name. America immediately recognized the voices as his family and started to struggle even more against the creatures.

"HELP! ARTHUR!" Alfred cried as he managed to escape the pale creatures and ran toward the shouts of his name. He was not about to stay a second longer in the nightmare he was in.

He was now in the center of the clearing and could make out a light just ahead of him. He was finally free! Ignoring the pain, blood loss, and exhaustion, he reached out toward it. He would be home.

Suddenly an ear piercing scream echoed through the thick foggy air. Everything stopped. Nothing moved. Fear overcame America once again as he legs started to shake.

"Where are you going my child?" A voice asked from behind him. A cold bony hand touched America's cheek as someone turned him around. It was Virginia... But she was paler and... Half her face was missing...

~With England~

They had finally reached the island where Canada said that America might be. A sudden chill overcame England as he stepped off the ship and onto land. His green eyes widened as realization hit him. "Mon cher, Are you alright?" France asked as he placed a hand on England's shoulder.

"Y... Yeah... It's just... Well... This was where my first colony was..." England stated as he placed a hand on his head. This was where Roanoke was before something happened and he lost the colony. France gave him a sympathetic look as England shook his head to get rid of the memories. They had to focus on finding America. A group of men came off the ship and stood behind the two nations as Canada waved at them from the ship. France waved back and took off after England who headed straight into the forest.

As they traveled deeper into the trees, it started to get darker and fog started to appear out of nowhere. The men readied their guns as the fog got thicker with each minute. Soon it was getting harder and harder to see. Suddenly a scream echoed through the forest scaring the men. England and France immediately recognized the scream. It was America. The two nations started to run toward the scream as they called out the boy's name.

"AMERICA!" They shouted as the screaming grew louder. They soon reached a large clearing and the screaming came to a stop. The two looked around frantically as they shouted out for america. England had tears forming in his eyes as he searched through the trees.

~With America~

"ENGLAND!" America yelled out as he reached for the light. Ignoring the half decomposed women trying to pull him back. He could here England and France calling out for him as his fingertips touched the light.

"NOOOOOOO!" The woman screeched as she pulled America back. "You are mine and only mine! You will stay here with me!" She repeated over and over as America tried to escape her clutches.

"ENGLAND!" America shouted as he sat up in bed. His hand was outstretched and his heart was beating a mile a minute. He was out of breath and was in a cold sweat as he looked around him. He was home. In his bed. What was he dreaming about again? He couldn't remember. Shaking his head he got out of bed. Suddenly a loud beeping noise filled his silent room making him jump and whirl around to find the source of the noise. But it was only his alarm clock. Breathing a sigh of relief he turned it off and looked at the time. 9:45. The world meeting would start soon. 'I better get ready and leave before Iggy shouts at me for being late again.' America thought as he walked out of his room, but he couldn't help wondering why he had such a bad feeling about today. Maybe he was coming down with something.

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