The Escape

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It's 7:00 and is almost dinner time here. The teacher pulled brook and I to the side and says that we have to escape. "They are planning to sell children and you two are to nice to get sold. Here is what you have to do.......

When we walk out if the room a lady says " What are you doing you are in so much...." " They were with me" " oh ok keep moving then". As we walk over to the tables we get breakfast and go to our rooms to discuss our plan to escape. We told each other that we will stick together no matter what during this plan.

The plan was for us to escape when everyone was asleep. The teacher that was nice,who I forgot her name is going to unlock the door while pretending to get a glass of water. She told us to sneek out the back and hop in her car. She said tommorow is laundry day so she will take the bag of laundry home with her and as we try to figure what we are going to do next we can stay with her parents. " Won't they take us back. What is your name again." " No because I told them about you two and my name is Hope." Hope had light brown hair and eyes that looked liked two ice cold dimonds.  "My parent actually told me to save you to because at least you guys will have a chance to have a nice life. I promise they will take good care of you while we try to find you to a permanent home to live in.

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