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I let out a sigh putting my books away in my locker, as I grab new ones out for my next class. Just as I was about to close my locker, my body was being slammed into it causing me to drop my books. "Ah!.. Ow.." I let out a small shout being surprised then rub my shoulder that hit harshly against the metal doors, as knee down to pick up my books. "Dam Jocks, always thinking they can do whatever they want. I'm so tired of this." I let out a long wary sigh, looking down at my books I see another hand reaching out for them. My eyes follow up reaching the owner's face that belong to the hand; it's him again. "Tadashi.. Hamada..He always comes to me like this, why? I'm just the weird geeky, loner girl. He's handsome, smart, so open with everyone. How does he make friends so easily with anyone; why does he want to be friends with me?"

"I believe these belong to you madame" He said, slightly teasing as he handed over the books. "Those jocks should really stop bullying girls; it's a mystery any of them have girlfriends, I think even Scooby-Doo and the gang couldn't solve that one." He chuckles at his own joke, as he starts helping her up.

"Yeah.. Thanks again" I look down a bit to cover up my blushing cheeks, as I smile a bit at his help. "There it is again.. that warm feeling I get whenever I talk to him"

"We better get going other wise Mrs. Lopez is going to be mad. You know how she is with tardiness and all." He said, shoving one hand into his pocket and the other holding his backpack strap.

"Huh?" I look up at him confuse as my eye brows slightly went up in surprise, and I was pretty sure my open was mouth. "I probably look like an idiot right now."

"We have English together don't we?" Tadashi simply smiles.

"Oh yeah, I didn't think you noticed though.. you never said anything about it before. Let alone walk with me to class before" I say, looking off to the side, in another attempt to hide my embarrassment. "Oh no... not again my heart is racing because of that stupid smile.. I feel like it's going to jump out of my chest."

"Of course I do, I also know we have History and Science together." He removes his hand from his pocket, bringing it up to the nape of his neck. He did some awkward stretch in that position, as he said with a cheeky smile. "If you want, I could change that. I wouldn't mind walking with you to class. We don't really get the chance to talk a lot, do we?" He stared steadily at her face.

"I guess I wouldn't mind either.. The bell's going to ring lets get going." I said, hurrying off forward to class. "Stop, don't look at me like that.. It makes my chest tight and head light."

"Great!" He slowly move his hand back into his pocket, as he hurries along her side.

As we make it to class and I take my seat, which is was in the middle of the class just a little off to the side. Tadashi sat in the front row across from my seating. Just as I was staring over at him, suddenly he turns around and smiles at me waving a hand. It caught me off my guard and startled me, as I jump back into my seat slightly I could feel my face going red. I was caught red handed just staring at him. He must have notice my face was red, because before he turned back around he laughs a little. "Dam it... how embarrassing. Why did he have to turn around? He never turns around. Every day is like this though, he always shows me something new about him. It started off with him saying hi to me when he passes me in the halls. Then it went on to him helping me, it's like he knew when I needed help and there he was. Then him standing up for me against the jocks at this school; why do they always listen to him anyways? I guess his just a natural leader. Now this, walking to classes with him. Tadashi Hamada, you change all the time and every time you do it feels warmer around you like spring...- oh class is starting I should stop daydreaming." I gave myself a firm nod as I start to focusing on the class.

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