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The trance of flashbacks immediately disappeared when his name was being shouted. Myungsoo looked at her, he was in dazed.

"You bleed," she said as she went towards him, taking in the bleeding finger inside her hands. Myungsoo was still in dazed even when she pulled him towards the stool at the counter, leaving him for seconds to go find the first aid. Once she came back with the white box, she put it on top of the counter; taking out an antiseptic and cotton bud, putting the liquid on it. Even during that time, he was still in dazed.

Taking the bleeding finger in her hand, a gasp escaped from her lips, "Gosh, it's deep," she mumbled, "It might sting a bit," she added before dapped the bud onto his cut. That made him woke up from his dazed self as Myungsoo hissed a little but that didn't make her stop.

"I'm sorry," Naeun spoke after a beat of silence. Her eyes never leaving the finger as her hands were busy treating the cut, "I didn't know..." she added softly.

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize," the guy said, watching her doing her work.

"But still," she frowned as she chewed her bottom lips, "Because I brought that up, you ended up hurting – literally,"

At that moment, she accidentally averted her eyes to his, drowning in a pair of coffee eyes. His eyes – she didn't know why but it was empty, soulless. How can a person's eyes be so empty, blank like a blank sheet of white paper?

But her heart – why was it her heart was beating rapidly? Those pair of coffee eyes – no, his whole face seemed rather familiar to her. She didn't know why but it seemed like her heart was giving her signs that she had knew him somewhere in her life. Why was it?

Myungsoo didn't move at all, heck he didn't even wanted to blink. He was afraid that if he did, she will back away and so he took the opportunity to scan her whole face.

God, I miss her so bad. I miss kissing those cheeks, that button nose, those perfectly-shaped lips.

"Kim Myungsoo! Don't you dare!" the girl was ready to make a run, trying to run away from the 'cream monster' since he was covered in cake and the cream – thanks to the girl.

With a sly grin, he made a few quick steps to the girl. The girl was too late to react when he had trapped her in his arms. His hands that were full of cream were smeared all over her face. Satisfied, he finally stopped and looked at his masterpiece. The girl pouted.

"Now I'm covered in cakes too, Kim Myungsoo, all thanks to you," she said.

They were at a park, having a nice picnic. They had bought a cake just because the girl wanted to even though there wasn't any occasion to celebrate.

His hands were secured on her waist, bringing her closer to him. "Aww, don't be a sulky baby," he said teasingly as he brought a finger and poked her chubby cheek. The girl still pouted.

With a sly grin, he brought his lips closer to her face, giving a kiss on both of her cheeks. Her face had begun to redden.

"H-Hey, I'm mad at you, remember," she stammered a bit, giving her best glare to the guy but failed to do so as the guy chuckled in amusement.

Ignoring her words, he gave the next kiss on her cream-covered nose, licking his lips once he had done. Her face was burning when she saw him like that.

"H-Hey, Kim Myungsoo –" she didn't managed to finish her words as a pair of soft lips touched hers. For a moment, she was froze but soon moved with synch and let herself drowned with the kiss.

Once the kiss was broken, both of them were dazed, looking deeply in each other eyes as they gasping for air. Her face was flushed in red. Their forehead was glued to one another.

"I love you," he unconsciously muttered. Her eyes widen in surprised and he was surprised by himself too. He didn't know why those three words suddenly came out but he knew he didn't regret it.

It felt right.

He truly, sincerely, genuinely loved her.

A curve appeared on her lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, "I love you too," she said.

And that was the best moment of his life.

"Myungsoo...?" a warm hand was cradling the side of his face. Her face was frowned in confusion and worried. "Are you alright?" she asked as she saw his eyes were brimming with tears.

Myungsoo looked at her and thought how he deserved to be treated like this, he had done lots of sin in the past and he deserved this – even though it meant to lose Naeun forever.

With a small nod and a slight smile, he said "I'm alright," and putting his hand on hers that was besides his face, holding it a bit longer before gently pulling it down onto the counter. 

Echoes of the Past [myungeun] ✔Where stories live. Discover now