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The gentle sound of wind chimes could be heard as the wind passed by. A doctor was behind her desk, going through the list of medicines. A knock on her door indicated that she had a patient to consult.

"Come in," she said, tucking the stray hair that escaped from her knots. The door opened and came in a middle-aged man. Giving one of her friendly smile, she invited the man to sit on the chair.

"So, Mr..." the doctor dragged, trying to get him said his name.

"Shii, Jung Shii but please called me Shii," the man responded. The doctor nodded and smile.

"So, Mr Shii, what can I help you?"

His palms were sweaty as he waited outside the clinic, contemplating whether to get in or not. He didn't even know why he was there – heck, he didn't have any reason to go there. He just let his legs took him wherever it was and it ended up at her clinic.

It's been a week since the night at the beach. He didn't know how but they had become closer. He didn't know whether he should be happy or not. He should be away from her from the very start but it seemed like his heart didn't corporate with the brain. The brain had said to stay away from her and its bad to get closer to her again but the heart had told the opposite. He was confused but for the moment, he would just follow the flow.

The front door of the clinic was opened and a girl with black hair came out. She was wearing a white coat. It must be her friend.

"What are you doing? Are you a stalker?" she suddenly attacked, putting her hands on her hips.

The guy was flustered. "N-No, I'm waiting for someone,"

The black-haired girl raised a suspicious brow, "Who?"

Before the guy could answer, a middle-aged man was excusing himself to get pass through them. The black-haired girl immediately said sorry but Myungsoo froze.

The man gave a glance to him along with a smirk – the smirk that made his body shivers.

No, it can't be. Impossible. How could he –

"Myungsoo," a gentle touch on his shoulder had made him come back to his sense. Averting his eyes from the ground, a smile curved on his lips when he saw her – Naeun.

"Hey," he said. Her brows furrowed in worried and he was puzzled as her hands suddenly cupping his face.

"You look pale. Are you sick?" she asked, worried. He was bewildered by her sudden action. Naeun herself was surprised by what she had done. Slowly retreated her hands from his face, she turned around to face an amused-looking Chorong.

Ignoring the staring gazed of her friend; Chorong went closer to them, stretching out her hand to Myungsoo. "Park Chorong," she introduced herself and Myungsoo did the same.

"Anyways, I have some stuff I need to do so...nice meeting you," giving Naeun the-we-talk-this-later-i-need-explanation-glance, she went back inside the clinic and leaved the dumbfounded Naeun.

The silence came between them. Both were suddenly awkward. Myungsoo tried to clear his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. "So, want to drink some coffee or something?"

Sitting near the window panel, her hazel eyes were wandering around the building. They had come to a small coffee shop near the clinic. It was cute and cozy – the interior of the coffee shop was all in soft pastel color, giving the relaxation vibes. The surrounding was so perfect that she suddenly have the urge to draw. Luckily for her, she always brought her sketch pad along; in case for time like this.

Fishing the pad out from her bag, she flipped to a blank page and started to fill the plain white sheet with her work.

She was too engrossed in her own world that she didn't even realize that Myungsoo had already come with their ordered drinks. Seeing that she was busy, he decided to just sit and watch her doing her work. He had always loved looking at her drawing or doing something artsy. She would scrunch her face or bit her bottom lips when she was concentrating on making her piece. Every time she did that, his lips would curve upright and thought how adorable she looks.

Like what he was doing now.

15 minutes had passed and Naeun finally took her eyes off the sketch pad and landed to the figure in front of her. Bewildered was written on her face as she saw that he was looking at her.

"How long had you've been here?" she asked, realizing that she might have flown into her own world.

"15 minutes," he casually replied, eyes still on her.

Her pair of hazel eyes widen in surprised, "God, I'm sorry I didn't even realize that I've been out! You should say something or at least make a sound or something,"

His smile grew wider hearing her being flustered. "Nah, that's okay. It's fun watching you drawing something,"

Her brows creased in confusion as she tilted her head a bit, "What did you mean by fun anyway?"

"I don't know. The way you scrunched your face is kind of cute,"

Heat was slowly creeping to her cheeks. She didn't know why but the way he said it made her blushed and awestruck. God, what is happening to me?

Seeing her reaction, he thought how he had missed seeing those cheeks redden. He missed those days when they were happy. I wish I could turn back the time and freeze it.

Awkwardly tucking the loose strand behind her ear, she grabbed the warm mug and sipped the drink – Caramel Vanilla Latte. Myungsoo also picked up his mug and sipped his Americano.

Simultaneously putting the mug down on the table, she was about to continue her drawing when suddenly a thumb came in touch with her lips, wiping it.

Her body went paralyzed as she stared at him in bewilderment. All of the sudden, hazy images came into her mind – it was one of her lost memories.

"You, don't move okay. Even a slight twitch from your nose," she warned him, giving her best glare towards the guy that was sitting in front of her. She was trying to draw his attractive pair of coffee eyes. Why? Well, because she felt like drawing it. He didn't tremble under her glare but instead found it fascinating – hot.

They were at one of the café in Seoul, having one of their dates. For 5 minutes, she had been looking at his eyes back and fro her sketch pad. His gaze had made her heart beating crazy and her cheeks flushed.

Putting down the pencil, she grabbed her mug; sipping her Caramel Vanilla Latte that had gone a bit cold. Once done, she sat down the mug and began to continue.

A sudden touch on her lips had made her eyes widen in surprised, looking up to find him inches away from her face.

"You've got something on your lips," he muttered softly.

"Sorry but you've got something on your lips,"

She woke up from her dazed as she heard him saying the same thing – the same words as the guy in her memory. She didn't know how he look like as it was blur and hazy. She stared at him, perplexed.

Shaking her head lightly, she thought that maybe it was just a coincidence.

Yeah, a coincidence.

Buthis eyes... 


a/n: god, sorry for the lateness, i've been busy these few days with interviews and such orz

So, enjoy this chapter and hope you have a lovely day!

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