Chapter 1

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Sasuke stared at his clock, it was an hour past midnight, but to him this meant it was already time to feed Kisuke again. Sighing he got up and went to fetch Kisuke's bottle, before he woke up. He did not want to make his son wait, he had very strong lungs for an infant. Sasuke chuckled as he remembered his first official week with his son. He was beyond stressed out, Kisuke had a very punctual eating and dipper schedule, and if Sasuke took to long, Kisuke would cry to the top of his lungs. And once he started crying it took forever to call him down.

As Sasuke approach the babies crib, Kisuke started to stir from his slumber. Sasuke slowly picked him up in his arms, and feed him the baby formula. He stared at kisuke's calm baby face. Sasuke wished Hinata was here to witness how much their son was growing. She would have demanded to record every single event in Kisuke's life, no matter how small it was. Thinking about her made sasuke's heart ache. He still couldn't believe she was gone, and would never come back.

" She loved you so much, she was beyond happy when she found out she was going to be a mother." sasuke said to his son as tears streamed down his face." Just knowing you were growing little by little inside her, made her glow with excitement"

Rocking Kisuke a bit, sasuke put him back in his crib and wiped his tears away. He had to be strong for his son. He had to give him the best. He could not give up no matter what.


" Awwww come on Sasuke let me hold him" Naruto whined as he stretched his arms out to Kisuke.

" No, I don't want him to catch your stupidity Naruto" Sasuke answered.

Naruto glared at him" come on, let me hold my nephew"

Sasuke sighed but handed him Kisuke."Just don't move him to much, he just ate"

"Hey there Kisuke, its your favorite uncle Naruto believe it" he said to the small little infant in his arms.

"I believe that's my line" said a soft voice as they entered sasuke's living room.

"Don't mind him, that's your weird uncle Itachi" Naruto playfully told Kisuke as if he could understand him.

Sasuke chuckled as he saw both his older brother and best friend claim to be the favorite uncle. He would never admit it but he enjoyed their visits. He was able to feel as  if he wasn't alone. Sasuke just wished Kisuke's other uncle would come see him, but he knew he wouldn't, he couldn't.

"Has Neji been around?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke shook his head."He can't even look at him, he's struggling to accept that she's gone"

Naruto sighed."Yea you can say that again, sakura told me that he's been drinking a lot lately"

"I don't blame him, if I lost someone so important to me, I would wanna forget too" Itachi said taking Kisuke in his arms.

"Neji feels its his fault somehow,he blames himself from not talking her out of being a mother but rather encouraging her" Sasuke said.

"No one could have known something like this would happen, he's been to hard on himself" Naruto said shaking his head in frustration.

"He will come around we just have to give him time" Itachi said trying to assure them.

Sasuke nodded but he knew that was yet to be seen. Neji was suffering all because he blamed himself. Sasuke could still remember how much he had cried as he held Hinata's cold body. Yelling at the doctors for not doing there best. It had been an ugly sight. Hinata's father had to drag him out of the room. If he Sasuke had not been too preoccupied with his son's health. He was sure he would have made an even bigger scene.

" Sasuke??" Naruto said waving his hand in front of his face, bringing him back to reality.

"Yea?" he asked.

" Just wanted to know you were still with us" Naruto said.

" His eyes are beautiful" Itachi commented as Kisuke opened his eyes slowly.

Sasuke nodded in agreement." He has his mothers eye's"

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