•Blending in Picsart•

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If you mentioned me or sourced this book either in the description or in the chapter if you're submitting an entry I'd really appreciate it since these do take a large amount of my time to sort everything out and type and find shortcuts and stuff.
Well, Use Picsart..
1) Preferably use a black and white template
2) Add the image that you want inside either the white/black shape
3) Use the darken effect if it's a white shape, or the lighten effect for a black shape
4) If you want more opacity, use lighten/darken (either one explanation above), multiply, or hard light (most of the time)
5) If you want less opacity, use light/darken (the opposite one of the explanation in 3), soft light (most of the time really depends), screen, overlay (most of the time depends)
*Apply this to the templates*

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