_NGY2016 tagged me to do this...thing
You tell your story of graphic design
Telling this in tutorial form1) FaythFyre was like, "I LOVE WATTPAD ME JOIN YOU JOIN GET ACCOUNT JOINNNNNNNNN"
2) @Icefalls feels like she has to get one if its that good
3) She figures out how to use Wattpad
4) Tries writing....
5) Big mistake starts making cover for tag book
7) FaythFyre kills me
8) Uses Phonto
9) Uses FontCandy
10) Learns lesson to NEVER USE FONTCANDY
11) Uses decent fonts
12) Joins like 10 contests at a time
13) Makes own contest book
14) Gets lazy and gives up
15) FaythFyre shows me to @-voidallison
16) Starts this book

Cover Tips
Randomgather around the computer screens to learn the wonders of graphic design. Inspired by @-voidallison If you are planning on making your own cover tips inspired by this, please at least mention me. Also, this is totally up to you, mention the person...