Chapter 9- I know it's no honeymoon

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Hey due to school. I will update every day or so or whenever I get the chance to finish a chapter. If not I will try for once a week. Thanks bye.

Amethyst's POV

3 months later

My life has gotten a bit easier since I have someone to share my work load with. It took one month for Alex to learn my job. Well the paperwork anyway. The rest of my job is meetings and appearances which you have to experience to understand. He's doing a great job saying that it's only been a few months. We share an office that views the garden in the house.

"Have you read over the projects for the council?" One thing he always forgets.

"I have but most are beneficial to one planet not multiple. However one was about the armed forces." My expression drops. "And it wasn't I project it's a request." I'm not happy.

"Alex what has happened?" He pulls his chair over and sits next to me. "Tell me." He covers my hands with his and looks into my eyes this has to be important.

"The demons curse has been spotted but on a different planet. It at least a few million of light years away and the army just wants some back up." My mine starts to wander what if they find me? What if the hurt Alex? What if-

"Amethyst." I lost my train of thought. I stand up starting to pace.

"Send them what they need. If that's men send it. If it's supplies send it. If the demons curse gets to this planet we might go to war."

He walks over and puts his hands on my shoulders making me look into those brown eyes.

"Relax. I'm sure Henry is already on it." I nod Henry acts straight away if he is informed of these things. "Now it's getting late. Why don't we finish up for the day and get some tea." I smile and look up as my face sunk to his chest. I wrap my hands round his neck.

"How do you know what to say all the time?" I push up on my toes and pull him in for a kiss. We pull apart for a few moments.

"Well my wife has a way of letting me know when something is wrong. It's in your eyes. They tell me just what to say." He pulls me up this time. I jump wrapping my legs round his waist. Attacking him with my lips. He does the same. He carries me to our room since it is attached to the office. Then lays me on the bed. He put a arm either side of my head which supports his weight and cages me in. He starts to kiss my neck and moves up to just under my ear. I let out a moan.

"Alex I love you but I'm starving." He looks up at my face and pouts. "Maybe after tea." I smile, he laughs.

"Thats my girl stomach first. I'll get them to bring it up." I nod. It's curry night so they make so much of it anyway that it doesn't matter where you eat it as long as it is ate. He goes to the phone and tells the kitchen. Twenty minutes until it's all plated up. He comes over and climbs on top again. He grins.

"We have twenty minutes. So knowing your staff it won't be a second before or after." I smirk. He kisses my neck all the way to my ear.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear and went back down to my neck.

"I love you to." I feel the corners of his mouth turn up as I speak. With that I pull him back to my lips. Twenty minutes went fast.

"I know it's not a honeymoon but tomorrow will be unforgettable I promise." I forgot it's our day off tomorrow. I smirk. What has he got planned?

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