love you forever » a. i.

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"Wes, stop it!" Tiffany laughed. Ashton was tickling her to convince her to go surfing.

"Never!" he said.

"Alright, fine, I'll go!" she screamed.

He stopped, still grinning.

"I'll be right back," she said.

Tiffany went into her room and grabbed a bikini, shorts and a loose tank top. After getting changed, she went back to the basement where Ashton was. She and Wes went out to the garage. Tiffany grabbed her wet suit and board. The two walked to his house next door. He grabbed his wet suit and board. They walked to the beach. No one was there. Tiffany and Ashton put on their wet suits and raced each other to the water.

Ashton started paddling out. Tiffany did the same. He caught a medium sized wave. But Tiffany skipped it, because she saw a bigger one coming. She started paddling, and then stood up. Ashton was cheering. She got off of her board.

"Nice catch!" he exclaimed

"Yeah, it was a big one!" she replied.

"But I could do better," he said, with a smirk.

She pushed him down. He got right back up and pushed her. It turned into a splash war. By the time it was finished, the two were laughing so hard they had tears in their eyes.

"You know, I'm going to miss these days," Tiffany said as the two walked home.

"I know, and I will too. But I promise we'll go surfing the second I get back." Ashton said.

"Do you have to go?" she asked.

Ashton laughed, "The guys can't go by themseleves, then it would be 3 Seconds of Summer!"

"Well, too bad for them!"

Wes looked at her. "Tiffany, I know this is tough for both of us, but we don't have a choice. I would do anything for you to come, but management said no. I promise I'll text you every day. I won't forget about you."

"And I won't forget about you either, Ashton,” she said with a smile.

+ + + + +

"Don't go!" she said.

"We have to!" Luke said.

Tiffany went over to Michael, Calum, and Luke and hugged them. "Don't do anything stupid. You won't have me to knock some sense into you."

Calum laughed, "We'll do our best."

She went over to Ashton last. "I'm gonna miss you so much, Ash," she said and hugged him.

"I'll miss you too, Tiff. We'll be back though, it's only five months," he said.

Five months. That stuck in Tiffany's head.

Wes gave her one last passionate kiss.

"No matter what happens, I'll love you forever," With that said, Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton got into the car and left.

"Bye!" they all shouted out the window.

Tiffany walked back to her house.

"Only five more months..." she said to herself.


Tiffany's phone beeped. She picked it up, reading the text from Ashton

Ashton:  How's Australia today?

Tiffany: Pretty good, same old.

Ashton: I gotta go, Tiff, but I'll text you later. Love you xx

Tiffany: Love you too xx

+ + + + +

Five Months Later

There was a knock at the door.

"Ashton!" Tiffany thought to herself.

 She opened the door to see a sad-looking Michael, Luke, and Calum.

"Hey guys, I missed you! Where's Ashton?"

"Um, we have something to show you. Can we come in?" Calum said.Tiffany nodded and stepped out of the way. They went into the living room and turned on the TV.

"...police are still trying to find evidence as to who murdered 20 year old Ashton Irwin of 5 Seconds of Summer." the news reporter said.

"No, no, no. This can't be happening," Tiffany said, her eyes starting to sting from unleashed tears.

Luke wrapped his arm around her, "We're all shocked and devastated, but we're going to get through this together, okay?"

Tears were running down her face now.

"What happened?"

Michael cleared his throat. "Well, um, we were walking around L.A, and we turned a corner and the gun went off. The bullet hit Ashton before we could do anything."

Tiffany was crying now. Luke and Calum had some tears too, but Michael was holding himself together.

She didn't know how she was ever going to get over this.

+ + + + +

The day of Ashton's funeral was a sad day. Lots of people were crying. Ashley was trying hard to fight back her tears.

"Tiffamy Miller would now like to say a few things about Ashton," someone said.

Tiffany walked up to the podium.

"Hi everyone, I'm Tiffany Miller. When I first met Ashton, I was only five years old. I was on the playground at school, alone. He came over and talked to me. He was my first real friend. We've both come a long way since then."

She paused.

"When Ashton and I were in third grade, I remember he would always talk back to the teacher. He was that annoying kid that none of the teachers liked. I thought it was hilarious though. We would mess around in the back of the class all the time. The teachers hated us. But we didn't give a crap. We would continue to talk, no matter what the teachers said. I remember going back to his house after school, and we would tell Michael all about our messing around and he'd laugh so hard."

"When we got into middle school, it was tough for me. People would bully me all the time, but once Wes found out about it, those kids didn't dare come near me again. I'm not sure what he told them, but I'm pretty sure I'd be scared to know. Luke and Calum know what he said, and still refuse to tell me."

That got a few small laughs from the people.

"In high school, we had a lot of fun times. Every day after school we'd rush to finish our homework. Then we would walk to the beach and just hang out. Every Friday we would go surfing. Those were probably the best three years of my life."

"We're all going to miss him dearly, especially Luke, Calum, Michael, and I. Those three were and still remain my best friends. And the last thing Ash ever said to me, I'll never forget. And that was, 'No matter what happens, I'll love you forever’.”

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