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Feel free to request and don't be shy because I'm the one who's shy and has social anxiety here. I might not sound (read???) like it, but I really am if you meet me in real life.

Enough on bummy life stories...

Here are the steps...

1) Enter your Free! Iwatobi Swim Club boys (oops! Wrong fanfiction! But they do look like Rin, Nagisa, Rei, Makoto and Haru, right? Right).

Any guy in Nijiiro Days is accepted. Come on, it's your type of guy. Yuji Katakura is also accepted in here. Yes, that sexy sadistic sensei of mine is available.

Guys I know in the Nijiiro Days:
1. Hashiba Natsuki- Nacchan (is it correct?)
2. Tsuyoshi Naoe- Tsuyoppon
3. Katakuri Keiichi- Keichan
4. Matsunaga Tomoya- Mattsun
5. Katakura Yuji
6. Mochizuki Wataru
7. Taizo Sanada
8. Shinsuke Nezu

Since the anime is ongoing, I don't know that much and I haven't read the manga, yet.

2) Your scenario or how you want the one shot will be.

Anything will be fine. As long as it isn't lemon and lime and other hard stuff to make.

If I can do the request, then I can do it.
If I will try, then I will try.
If I can't then I can't.

That's all. Just two steps to request to me.

Humans are humans. But I am an inperfect unicorn who crossbed with a cat that turned out to be a narwhal. So if your request is too complicated for me to make... I'll try or just kindly say that I can't.

If I sound too mean to refuse to do your request, I'm sorry (I mean my apology).

Plus, this is the first ever X Reader book I made. So expect this book to be horrible like a five year old made it. And no, I'm not a five year old.

I hope y'all be patient. I've got personal stuffs to deal and I'm always busy. So do not expect that updates are lightning fast.

Check this part everytime to see whenever I'm open for requests.


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