Natsuki X Reader: Pocky! Challenge #1

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He puts the end of the stick biscuit to your mouth and he has done the same for him. The air was so still, not a single sound can be heard except for the ragged breathings you two produce.

"Are you ready?" Natsuki asks, holding onto your hand on the desk, breaking the silence. You blushed strawberry red. He too, was red. His palm on the back of your hand felt so cold and sweaty.

The two of you sat on a chair facing each other and a desk seperated you both. Each end of the pocky was in your and Natsuki's mouths ready to be nibbled.

"I've seen Yukirin and Tsuyoppon. I can't help but also try it with you," he says while almost losing his breath.

You nodded as a signal and the two of you started to nibble both ends. His face starts to get closer to yours. You nibbled a little slower than him. But Natsuki was so nervous, he was eating the other end very fast.

You closed your eyes and swallowed whole the now two centimeters pocky and kissed Natsuki. He seemed surprised at first then he accepted your kiss.

You were like a kettle about to boil from all the blushing you had. Your heart ran like a horse.

"Say it sooner if you badly want to kiss me, you idiot, Natsuki," you blurted.

"I hate being front with you," he tries to act cool but failed to do so. He pulled another pocky from the container, "here, have another one with me," he did what he did before.

"You idiot," you mumbled through the pocky, "I know you like this,"

The sweat on his face trickled and he was blushing like crazy. You had the urge to tell him that but you realized you were in the same situation as him.

He started to nibble again. You mimicked him. You kept denying you didn't like this but you ended up doing it all over again and again with him.

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