Chapter 1: reunited

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Outside of my broken-down house, I was hanging up the laundry, the bright morning sun made my hair shine.

"Mrs. Annora?" a little boy tugged on my dress skirt.

"Yes, Myle.." I answered calmly.

"Can we go to the beach?" He asked.

"Not right now Myle, besides your mother didn't leave you any spare clothes before she dropped you off." I hung up a shirt and looked down on him.

He sorrowfully sat down beside the bucket of freshly washed clothes and crossed his arms, I smiled and cheered him up.

"but if you bring extra clothes next time, I promise we'll go." I grabbed an empty basket and took his hand.

As I was holding his hand I gazed at my silver ring dressed in emeralds, I stared at the larger one as it sparkled and glowed.

I sighed and thought, "I haven't seen him in forever, but at least I knew he was still alive due to that green jewel."

"I never understood why these rings out of all people- came to us."

"Beckett and I discovered that if the rings when worn by two people who are close, the main Emerald will glow, even when unworn."

(but when one of them dies the emerald on the other person's ring will stop glowing)

"Beckett and I grew up together, he was always fond of me."

"Even though he liked to push my buttons and had this liking of seeing me frustrated and angry with him so very often."

"I couldn't stay mad at him forever, I didn't understand him but I loved him."

"He would always have a sly grin on his face whenever I was around, He was snobby at times but I never took it as though he was being cruel."

"I miss him, But I am so upset at him for leaving." I looked back up.

Pov change>

"Sir I have news- Your beloved friend is staying in a nearby village." Norrington bursts in.

Beckett looks up as he was lifting a small glass of scotch to his mouth.

"Annora?" Mercer glanced at him.

Beckett quickly put up his hand to silence him, "how do you know of her?" He questioned.

"Well, everyone does Sir. She works for several different people because she doesn't have a stable job."

"She doesn't have a good living situation either, she lives in an old house near the beach it's falling apart."

"it's a shame, Being her parents are dead I'd thought you'd take better care of her since you are her only connection," Norrington said with a smart tone.

Beckett stared at him with an annoyed look, "find her and bring her here." he stared at the twin ring on his finger as he twisted it slightly.

Mercer grinned.

POV change> OC>

"come on Myle, let's go inside." I closed the splintered door behind us.

Time skip>

a few hours had passed after Myle's mother had picked him up.

I was still cleaning up and doing so much I was exhausted.

I heard a knock, I quickly get up to answer.

"yes." I opened the door slightly.

"Mrs. Annora?" a man asked.

"Yes.." I fully opened the door and folded my arms.

"Lord, Cutler Beckett. invites you to his estate." He insisted.

"Oh? and who might you be?" I stared.

"My name is James Norrington, a Captain of Lord Beckett's military." He replied.

"Come with me." He grabbed my shoulder.

"Now wait a minute." I retort.

"you can't just drag me out, I'll come with you without all of that," I added.

"I apologize, shall we?" he insisted politely.

He guided me down a long road, "so this is what he's been up to." I gazed at a large building near the docks.

"Wait here." Norrington took me inside and had me wait outside of Beckett's office doors.

I waited a few minutes, suddenly he appears and grabs my arm again.

"hey, what did I say?!" I growled.

"I'm sorry Miss, but he wanted you right away," Norrington explains.

Norrington drug me inside, I argued with him about pulling my arm then noticed Beckett slowly walking around his desk.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it." he grinned.

his grin made me angry, "how dare you leave like that! and three years later send one of your goons to come and invite me to your humble abode out of the blue!?" I blurted out.

"I just wanted you to come live with me after hearing about how you were living." he smiled.

"after all these years you ask me something like that now?!" I exhaled and stared out at the docks as he sat back down.

"I missed this, you getting angry at me when I pushed your buttons." Mercer and Beckett grinned jokingly.

I slowly unfolded my arms and looked at him, "fine." I stared.

"Now, how about you come and give me a well-deserved hug?" He grinned.

I slowly approached him as Mr. Mercer backed up to let me by, I slowly caressed Beckett's shoulder and bent over as he grabbed my back gently and smiled rubbing his cheek against mine.

"you are stupid you know that?" I muttered and cried softly.

"I know," he replies.

"I've missed you so much," I added just feeling my heart fill with the pain of lost time.

His Beloved (Cutler Beckett x OC)Where stories live. Discover now