Starting my blog

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Plz don't stop reading. Also, could you give me some advice? Just any. Thank you!

The date of my blog; January 6th

And the first day of prison.

I have never felt so alone, without my siblings, who I no longer can do my experiments on. Experiments? You ask. Is the bunny evil?

I am not evil. I am a genius.

Today was the first day at my new home. Never before have I been so depressed. The human owners didn't share their lettuce, and I was forced to listen to every crunch across the room, as I sat in my purple cage. The humans have named me Carrots. I hate carrots. My real name is a name of fear, of death. Boople.

The human monsters have placed me in a room that appears to be made for a 10 year old. Everywhere lies stuffed animals. Even a rabbit. The rabbit looks so unrealistic, with a giant nose and giant ears, I almost think it's a different species entirely. The girls room has posters of unicorns and rainbows on it, and my cage is on a stand next to a pink bed with pink everything. 

My food is stale, brown, and lumpy. I am forced to eat it. The humans though, laugh as they eat fruits and lettuce. They ignore me as if a cannot see them. My cage is barely big enough for me, and it has no toys. I only have my trusty computer, so I may survive.

I may not know where I am, who I am, and how I will survive. All I know is I must escape this prison.

Be strong bunny, be strong.

Signing off, Boople.

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