Chapter One- The beginning of a new life!

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After packing for a few hours I was finally done, "And done, finally" I said picking up my small travel bag, putting it outside with the rest of my stuff.

I looked around to see if the Taylor family were coming up the road, but nope it was just old loving Mrs Colon. She gave me a warming smile and I in turn, did the same. I went back inside and walked around the front room, back into the big hallway and into the kitchen. I then walked to the island counter to pick up an old picture of my parents at their wedding. When I saw my parents faces, tears filled my eyes. I can't believe you're gone... I thought to myself and I started to walk down the hallway towards the door.

I was standing in the doorway "It's been nice knowing you house" I said with a shaky voice, tears slowly crawling down my face, as I walked out and locked the door behind me. I put the key under the mat as I was told by the new buyers of the house.

"Lillie Mae?" I heard a young female voice say. I shot around to see a man and a woman.

"I'm guessing you're the Taylors" I replied.

"Call me Molly. And this is Mitchell" Molly replied sweetly. I picked up my backpack and my cheer build a bear I got when I had my very first competition when I was 10. I started to walk to the car. It was massive a white range rover I couldn't believe it was there's.

1 hour half in a car is a long time especially if your not used to sitting in a car for along time.

"So molly and Mitchell tell me about your self and the family" I said to pass the time.

This is simply what I was told:

Jay is the eldest, at 17. Football player, and not just a player, but the Captain of the New York Tornadoes. Sounds interesting if you ask me.

Hunter, 16 year old, boxer in training. Score!

Robin and Nathan, twins, 13 years old, artistic. Cool, I appreciate a good doodle.

Liam, 12 years old, who happens to be fostered. Yet to show an aspiration and quite timid.

Chase, also fostered, 11 years old. Pretty much the same situation as Liam.

And finally Jake, 4 years old. Still in development, but apparently a cutie-pie. Nawww, I love kids!


After another half an hour in the car talking, getting to know everyone, we were pulling up to a driveway. I could see everyone standing there outside. Ohmygosh this house is massive! It's like a castle! I said to myself out loud I'm guessing, I didn't even realize, until I heard Molly and Mitchell laughing.

"It sure is, isn't it? " Mitchell said very proudly.

I got out and grabbed my lucky cheer teddy and my cheer backpack from the seat next to me. I walked up the stairs with Mitchell and Molly behind me.

"Everyone meet Lillie. Lillie meet everyone." Mitchell said

"Hi everyone I'm Lillie. I already know all of you, as your mother here has told me a little about you."

"Milo and Connie could you bring Lillie's stuff in please? And bring it to her bedroom and then put the car away please thank you" Molly shouted whilst walking through the grand doors. I followed her in and it was like the Doctor Who's TARDIS; it was even bigger inside.

I was in my room putting my belongings away till I noticed: 8:25 my clock in my room read.

"O-M-G where has the time gone?" I said to myself "At least I only had one box left to put away, but I'll do it tomorrow."

I slipped into my workout shorts, put on my dad's hoodie and got into bed, I put my head on my pillow and stared at the ceiling.
"I think I'm going to like it here" I said, slowly closing my eyes. I was out like a light before I knew it.

^^Updated (tried to improve)^^

Errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar have been corrected. All current SPaG is intended.
Hi guys I hope you like it. Sorry if it is slow and long and it's just going on and on.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2016 ⏰

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