One with the Beast Chapter 3

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I plop myself down next Rose after school. “So what are we doing this weekend?” said Rose after checking to see who I was. “Are you going to the game?” I ask her in return after laughing at her sleepy expression. “Yeah, I got to cheer on my boy and the boys I guess…” She said uninterested about football. I had never been to a football game before so I was keen but one thing she said caught my attention. “The boys play?” I said surprised. “Yeah, I keep forgetting your new. They all do except Nawat. Hakan is captain but Ed is subbing in for him this week.” She said with patience. “Who is Hakan?” I said whilst trying to see someone I hadn’t seen before. I feel so comfortable around Rose and the boys that I forget I haven’t known them forever. “Only the hottest guy in our school! besides from Tim of course… but he IS gorgeous.” She said whilst smiling dreamily. “Ok, but where is he?” I say still looking around for this “Gorgeous” guy. “Oh he’s on a camping trip, but he’s getting back this weekend. My brother, Paco is up there with him, Ed was meant to go with them but his sister just had her baby.” She replied as she started getting up. “We should go to the meeting tonight, all the boys will be there and we can just chill out.” I got up too. “What is the meeting?”

I said curiously. “Oh it’s just a thing the tribe does once a month. It’s a community thing.” She replied waving it off. “oh.” I mumbled suddenly feeling extremely nervous. Sure I was friends with these guys but this was a completely different side of life for them. They might completely reject me being there!

Rose obviously caught on to where my thoughts were heading. “oi, snap out of it! You know us now, everyone loves you anyway. How about this, we can arrive late and miss the boring stuff cause I was planning that anyway and we can go to the fun part. I know right sounds good. Let’s go!” she said seemingly getting chirpier as she spoke. Before I knew she was pulling me across the car park and into her car.

“Rose, can’t I just stay here?” I whined at the top of the stairs. We had gone back to Roses house, which I must say is HUGE! For the past week Rose and I have being hanging out a lot and I was now a common feature in her household, I have been even helping Rose’s mum with dinner and discussing fishing with her dad a couple of times.

Rose and I avoided the meeting but some people seemed to come back to her house, and a party seemed to have started. More and more time is passing and I wanted to go less and less but Rose now wants to go see Tim. “Yes!” Rose said giving me a push and nearly sending me down the stairs. “Pushy!” I said annoyed at her laughing face. “Yeah whatever lets go find the guys.” She replied. As we searched the house, I saw quite a few faces I recognised from school like Mr Garris, my gym teacher, I am avoiding him tonight!

We finally found the boys in a small room filled with couches and had a door that led outside. All the boys were sprawled on the couches, Nawat who was reading a book in the corner looked up and gave a small ‘hello’ and went back to reading. ‘ANNA!’ Ed and Pat boomed from where they were sitting and both extended their arms for hugs. “Whatever Loser.” Rose said jokingly whilst sticking up her nose and leaving the room to find Tim. Laughing I go sit- I mean squish myself between Pat and Ed. “So what are we doing?” I ask after a couple of minutes between them. “Well, seeing as this is super boring in here, we should go outside. I wish Hakan was here so we could use his Xbox…” Pat sighed wistfully. “Good thing I am here to keep you entertained.” I said, winking at him. “So… who is this Hakan and why is everyone so obsessed?”

”I keep forgetting you are new! He is practically the leader of little group… wait change that to the whole school…” Pat said leaning back farther into the couch. “Technically he is our next tribe leader but he is our best mate. I was meant to go camping with him this week but didn’t make it. You will love him, everyone does.” Ed joined in. “Yeah I heard, Congratulations for your sister anyway!” I said giving him a smile.  “Hey, he might turn up later on according to his mum.” Nawat said from behind his book. “Where’s Chayton?” I said realising. “Oh he is around here somewhere, probably with his dad. He takes tribe stuff seriously.” Ed replied. “Oh well that’s-“I started to say when I saw a familiar face go past the door. I jumped up and ran outside. “Dad!?” I said as I grabbed the man’s arm. “Sweetie! Oh I heard you were here!” my lovely dad said as he grabbed me into a hug. “I have missed you so much baby girl! How has school been? Made friends?” He said kindly. “Oh yeah it’s been great, I have made some really great friends, so that made my week. Why are you back so early? I thought you still had another week?” I said excitedly. “You know I can’t miss these things, and I had to see my favourite girl! I have to go back next week.” He replied deflated. “Come on dad, your home now, I’m fine your fine, everything’s fine!” I said trying to cheer him up. “Yeah your right honey I’ll- oh hey Charlie! I just need to catch Charlie sweetie but we will catch up more at home!” He said quickly and kissed my head and raced after Charlie. Smiling, I tried to find my way back to where the guys were, not knowing what was ahead.


Just a little something for you guys!

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