Part 15

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Chris did his morning routine while Destiny waits patiently. After he finish, they both started to walk outside to the park.

»Destiny Pov«

I'm planning on telling him that I like him maybe at the end of the day. I know that today going to be fun.

Chris: So, when we get there imma get each other some ice creams.

Me: Awesome my favorite.

Chris: I know.

Me: Do you remember what kind?

Chris: The chocolate one with cake on it.

Me: yup yup I can't believe you still remember.

Chris: I can't believe you still like the same type of ice cream.

I chuckled.

»Chris Pov«

Her smile is so cute oh god. The things I want to do to this girl is unbelievable.

I bought her the two ice creams. Of course mine was the same flavor. I handed her the ice cream. She took it and gave me a warm smile.

Destiny: Thanks Chris.

We started to walk again.

Me: No problem, I remember how we used to do the same thing when we were little, but in those times I always asked my mom for money.

Destiny: I know right, I remember like if it was yesterday, you used to be like ' Mommmm! May I have money for ice cream' she be giving you 1 dollar but you be asking for 2 because of me.

Me: yeah and the same ones too, how time flies.

Destiny: yeah, I remember when you used to prank me every Friday.

Me: Oh Yeah!

Destiny: I hated that!

Me: But it was funny though, well for me it was.

Destiny: yeah, the day when you left killed me.

Me: Yeah I was sad that I had to leave, but now we here together.

By the time we finished talking, we were done with our ice creams. We threw out the wrappers and sat on the park bench like old times. It's funny that the bench is still here. We sat together facing the whole park. I have my arm wrapped on her shoulder. Why couldn't this be a date? Would it be bad to ask why?

Me: Des I need to ask you something.

Destiny: okay tell me.

Me: Could we make this as a date?

Destiny: As a date?

Me: yeah, you and me in a date.

Destiny: Do you want it to happen?

Me: Yeah I do.

Destiny: yeah I guess we could date.

My heart rate increased. So this a date now. Nice.

»Destiny Pov«

I'm dating him oh lawd my wish has come true. I swear I probably have sweet blood or something cause these mosquitos are killing my vibe.

Chris: what's wrong why you moving a lot?

Me: These god damn bugs all over me!

Chris: you wanna go home? We could do the date at the house.

Me: sure leggoo.

We stood up and both walked to the house. We got in.

Chris: what should we cook for the date?

Me: hmm...

Chris: hmm...

Me: hmm....

Chris: hmm....

We both stared at each other.

Chris: you wanna cook?

Me: naw you wanna order pizza?

Chris: dominoes please.

I laughed and got my laptop to order the food online.

»Chris Pov«

Destiny: the pizza will come, but you sir need to wait.

Me: I will wait madame.

She sat next to me on the couch.

Me: Okay what chu want to do before the pizza guy come.

Destiny: I don't know, let's play a teen game.

Me: teen? I ain't a teen.

Destiny: yeah but we never played it before.

Me: okay what's the game?

Destiny: 21 questions.

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