part 8

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Destiny pov.

I felt very uncomfortable. Trey and Chris keeps staring at each other. That's very strange.. they both have the same face, like when your in a competition trying to win a marathon.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pants. I took it out and saw that it was Amber. She texted me something.

(in text convo)

Amber: omg, Justin is trying to be sexual with me, but then I'm like I'm not a whore get away from me, he got mad but he'll cool off.

I smiled so hard.

Me: why should i know this haha ttyl im busy.

Amber: are you busy with Chris? ;)

Me: yes, but not like that, imma talk to you later...

Amber: what ever, girl make your move quick!

Me: I can't now, two other guys are in the room.

Amber: are they cute.

Me: let's just say that Chris is the cutest.

Amber: who's the two other guys?

Me: Tyga, and Trey Songz.

Amber: Thee Trey Songz?

Me: yup.


Me: ...

Amber: ttyl doing something, byeeee.

= end of phone convo =

Chris: who was that?

Me: I was talking to Amber.

Chris: oh ight.

Tyga: what happen Chris weren't you going to show us something?

Chris pov.


Me: shut up you fags.

Trey: im sorry, but hahahaha i can't believe your friend zoned.


Me: yes i do.

Tyga: then tomorrow show us your game.

Me: fine, well imma go, bye dorks.

=end of flashback=

Damn he still remember.

Me: not now maybe another time.

Trey smirked.

Trey: so Destiny baby, we should hang out to get to know each other more better, can I get your number to call you.

Destiny: yeah sure.

Oh so he wants to steal her from me. Let's see about that.

Destiny pov.

We both exchange phone numbers.

Chris: so imma leave cause I got things to do, cmon Des.

Des? He only calls me Des when he's mad. What's he all mad about?

Me: alright, bye.

Tyga: bye.

Trey: bye baby.

I like how he says baby, it gives me chills.

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