Smart Ass

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What the hell? Who was this kid? It couldn't be Marky.... Could it? No, Marky was gone. First I meet Ashton, who's the guy from the woods. Now this? Who was this guy?

"Mr. James, I'm glad you finally decided to show up to my class. Would you care to take a seat next to Miss Anthony." Mr. B spoke.

"Her?" This kid said pointing at me.

"Yes, her." Mr. B repeated.

"Gladly." This kid said with a smirk.

"Cocky asshole...." I mumbled to myself, loud enough for Ricky to here me, but no one else. Ricky chuckled. The kid sat down next to me. He leaned across then aisle to me.

"Names, Aiden." He said extending his hand to me.

"Names, none of your business." I said with a harsh tone. This guy was getting on my nerves. Not only did he look exactly like my dead best friend, but he seemed to be a cocky asshole too.

"Hott, and sassy. I think I'm going to like you." Aiden said with a smirk and a wink. With seeing that I shot my hand into the air.

"Mr. B!" I said rather loudly.

"What now Miss Anthony?" He asked, with aggravation to his voice.

"Could you please move Mr. James away from me?" I asked.

"And whys that?" Mr. B questioned.

"He's distracting me." I spoke.

"Oh, come on princess, I can't be that bad." Aiden said and smirked.

"Oh, I really think you are." I spoke back, I was gritting my teeth, trying real hard to not get angry in front of the teacher.

"Miss Anthony, do you you really think it's necessary to move, Mr. James, and go and interrupt our class even more then you and Mr. Allen have already today?" Mr. B asked me.

I sighed, "No sir."

Aiden chuckled. I rolled my eyes, smug jerk.

I opened my notebook and started to doodle. Paying attention was not my main focus of this class, never was, never will be. By the time first bell rang, I had filled three pages full of little doodles and sketches. I basically ran out the door to start heading to my next class. I was turning the corner to get to my next class when I felt someone grab my arm.

"Aiden?" I said. It was more of a question then a statement.

"Hello Domonick. How are you this fine day?" He asked with a smirk.

"I'd be better if you weren't here." I spoke with venom in my voice. He released his grip on my arm, relaxing the tension between his hand and my arm. My arm was red, with a white hand mark.

"Well then." He spoke nastily. Like I'd actually hurt his feelings. I walked off swiftly. What was his deal? Why'd he act this way? I didn't even know him. Better yet how did he know my name? Mr. B had only called me, Ms. Anthony. This kid was getting stranger by the minute. I skipped off to my next class, which I had with Beckah. My next couple of classes zipped by pretty fast.

Finally it was lunch time. I ran to my normal table I had, had with Ricky, Beckah, and Marky.....

Only to find Aiden and his friends sitting there.

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