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ellingtonratliff: I was right.

rydelr5: about???

ellingtonratliff: my dad has been cheating on my mum.

rydelr5: oh my god

ellingtonratliff: they're getting a divorce...

rydelr5: I'm so sorry

ellingtonratliff: and my dad is moving back to america.

rydelr5: does that mean you're going to have to choose between your mum and dad?

ellingtonratliff: yup...

rydelr5: oh my god

rydelr5: how are you going to do it?

ellingtonratliff: rock paper scissors

rydelr5: seriously?

ellingtonratliff: no. I have no idea what to do.

rydelr5: maybe make a list of good and bad things of each situation? reasons you'd want to leave amsterdam, reasons you want to stay, reasons you want to go to america, reasons you don't want to go...

ellingtonratliff: I guess you can be smart sometimes

rydelr5: thank you (:

ellingtonratliff: my pleasure

rydelr5: and hey, you're not using capital letters anymore. you're getting cooler (;

ellingtonratliff: You think so? (;

rydelr5: you're either getting cooler or you're not you anymore. are you okay?

rydelr5: ellington?

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