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Renee's P.O.V.

Alec and I were walking around the Institute looking for Maryse to tell her about Alec's and I's engagement. When I walked past Maryse's office to see her and Robert talking to Lydia Branwell.

I had met Lydia briefly in Idris. Her character told me that she was nothing more than the Claves puppy.

What a joke of a shadowhunter. Her husband died and she works for the people whose fault it was that he even died.

If Alec where gone I would have preferred to be stripped of my runes and exiled.

I listened very carefully about what Lydia said,"I have completed control of this Institute until the Clave says otherwise. I had no choice in the matter."

I turned my head to see Alec standing next to me before he pulled me away from interrupting the conversation.

"We need to tell Jace and Izzy."

"Jace is to caught up with the Fairchild girl to even care. We need to tell Izzy especially after the forsaken attack, we have no choice Alec." I said taking him hand in mine as we walked down the stairs.

"You're right. We'll find Isabelle and tell her."

Just as we both saw Isabelle, Lydia made her way over to her,"Isabelle Lightwood, by order of the Clave, you are under arrest for high treason." Lydia spat

I walked in between Lydia and Isabelle saying,"What? On what grounds?"

Izzy took my arm and said,"You know what Lydia? You're no better than Valentine. But at least he had the guts to tell downworlders to their faces that he wanted them all dead."

"What proof do you even have? For all we know those changes can be nothing but lies. Why don't you change her with something that has evidence to back up your case Branwell."

"Does sleeping with the Seelie Meliorn ring any bells."

I looked at Izzy with a small smile.

"That's what you're charging her for?"

"I um... shouldn't have revealed what I had for proof." Lydia looked nervous, almost as if there was no proof.

"That's because you don't have any. Just admit it Branwell, it's a phony charge."

"Excuse us for a moment." Alec said as he pulled me away from them.

"What do you think you're doing Renee?"

"Proving to her that no one messes with my family. I'm not going to let some Clave bitch come in and destroy my family by pining us against eachother. You're the love of my life Alec, I hope you know what you're doing because this is one of those times that my love for you won't save you." I said just before Alec looked over his shoulder to look at Lydia.

"Okay then what should we do? I can't just act like everything is okay. She'll know you said something to me."

"I'll take care of it. Now go be the good soldier I know you are. I'm going to marry you Alec, even if I have to fight my way to that alter."

(Switches back to third person)

Alec took her by her waist and pulled her in closer. His chin resting against the top of her head as she held onto him.

"I love you Alec, I just don't want her to tear this family, our family to shreds." Renee pulled away to look up at Alec.

Alec nodded before they pulled away from each other and walked back towards Izzy and Lydia.

Alec nodded before they pulled away from each other and walked back towards Izzy and Lydia

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"Come on Izzy, let's go to my room." Renee said as Izzy interlocked there arms as they walked off. Both pairs of stilettos clicking in sync.

Alec and Lydia stood there together is silence until she said,"I'm sorry about the way I acted towards your sister and your girlfriend."

"Fiancé, Renee's my fiancé."

"Oh, I had no idea. How long have you been together?"

"Three years, we started dating not long after our first mission together with Jace. It's one of my favorite memories. The memory of her lying in the Institute infermery was the one I fed to the memory demon. I pulled away because I still felt the guilt of almost loosing her. I sat by her side all night long waiting for her to wake up to see her gone the next morning. I thought she died until I walked downstairs to see her sparing with Izzy. I walked up to her and told her I was in love with her and kissed her. My mother was happy for me, which is more than I can say about you."

"You don't even know me-"

"I don't have to, you're trying to tear my family apart. My sister from my brothers and her parabatai. What, you expect me to be okay with all of this?"

"That was never my intention."

"Really, I find that hard to believe." Alec said walking past her and hit her shoulder with his arm.

"You have no right to say that to me."

"Really, what gives you the right to strip an innocent person like my sister of her runes, you are destroying her life by-"

"Except for conversing with the Seelie Meliorn."

"That's what your charging her for, since when has asking for information how to get into the Hotel Dumort to save a mundane been considered a crime? I hope the case goes well, considering you have no evidence." Alec walked out of the room no longer being able to look at Lydia.

A/N: I know a lot of people didn't want me to add Lydia but I had to.

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