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"Hey stranger." Renee said over Alec's shoulder

Alec looked over to her and saw that she was in her training gear.

"You have training today?"

"Yeah, I was hoping that maybe you'd be up to spar with me?"

"Do you even have to ask, besides I couldn't ask for a more worthy opponent."

"Okay, I'll meet you in there."

Alec took the long way to the training room and saw Lydia talking to one of the other Shadowhunters. He took one last look at her before going to the training room to spar with Renee.

He walked in on her talking her gloves off as she put down her bow. He looked her up and down to see if there where any physical changes he could see. He saw a few new runes scattering her arms, such as courage and clairvoyant sight. He couldn't believe he was going to be married in just a few short days. At times it felt that one lifetime with Renee would never be enough.

He didn't understand why Magnus was pushing him so had to leave Renee. He had been in love with Renee since he could remember. But why was Magnus trying to tear them apart?

"Alec, are you okay?" Alec looked down at Renee as she pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, fine, I was just thinking." He said before walking up the Renee.

"Can I ask you something?" he continued,

"Yeah sure, you can ask me anything. You know that." Renee replied

"Why do you hate Lydia so much?"

"What do you mean Alec?"

"You have the way you act around her, like she's going to betray you."

"I'm just being cautious. I don't trust her, like you don't trust Clary. Lydia hasn't earned my trust, and no this isn't about Izzy-"

"Then why-"

"-because people like her don't understand the meaning of family. Her husband died Alec, after she lost him she had no heart. I don't want to end up like that." She said letting out a deep sigh.

"How would you feel if you lost me?" Alex asked as he pulled her closer.

"I'd feel like a part of me was missing. Like it was the end of the world, it would feel like a broken parabatai bond but ten times worse. I don't think I could ever survive without you in my life." She said as she pulling away from Alec.

"I'm going to visit Izzy. You know your sister that Lydia accused of treason. We'll talk later Alec." She continued before leaving.

"RENEE!" He yelled as he watched her leave. He knew the moment he got that wedding rune his heart would hurt so much worse then it does now watching her leave even if it was just for a little while.

He had to get Izzy out of there, he knew it was killing Renee that she couldn't help Izzy. He would have to take matters into his own hands, he had to talk to Magnus. He may regret this but it was for his sister and Renee.

Renee's P.O.V.

*Else where in the Institute*

"Hey Izzy." I said walking into the room Izzy was being held in.

"Renee, I've missed you." She said as she came up the hug me.

"I missed you too even if it's only been a few days."

"How are you and Alec?"

"Do you even have to ask."

"What was it this time?"

"You know me to well."

"I'm you parabatai, it's part of the job description." Izzy said

"Besides I should be asking how you are doing?"

"Not so great. Honestly if this is what the Clave has come to-" Izzy said before she stopped.

"You know what? I'd rather be stripped of my runes and sent into exile then be part if this world. What kind of people sacrifice justice for law?" Izzy said continuing.

"That's very noble, Izzy." I heard Alec say, I tuned around to see him standing there.

"But the high road's not gonna look so great when you're running for your life from a pack of demons with no Shadowhunter powers to protect you." Alec said.

"Alec's right." I said

"Jocelyn lived as a mundane." Izzy fired back

"You know Jocelyn had her runes and her weapons-" I said

"You think the demons won't find you?" Alec interrupted.

"You haven't exactly kept a low profile." I said

"You can't just let them convict you."

"We won't let them Alec,"

"You need an advocate."

Alec's P.O.V.

*Magnus' apartment*

"Tired of bickering over the guest list for your wedding?" Magnus said bitterly

"I need to ask you something."

"Hmm. Will it take long? I have a life to live, and there's not much for us to talk about."

"It's not about me, or any of that. This is about my sister."

"Oh, I see. What can I do for you, Alec?"

"My sister wants you to be her defense attorney. I said I would ask."

"Why not just ask you adorable fiancee?"

"Clave won't allow it, conflict of person interest. Renee is Izzy's parabatai. They won't allow it. But I'm sorry to bother you. I know a Downworlder can't defend a Shadwohunter in court." I said as I turned around to leave.

"But a Shadowhunter accused of a crime can choose any advocate." Magnus said

"That can't mean a Downworlder."

"The Clave was so rigid and prejudiced back in what they call the Time of Angles that they didn't dream of a Shadownhunter asking a Downworlder for help. They didn't even bother to exclude us. So, since, as you all say "the Law is the Law" there's no stopping me from slipping through this gaping loophole. For the right price."

"Name it."

"You. In fact, I'll do you pro bono."

"Anything else?" I said before Magnus let out a sigh.

"What else is important to you? What else tells me that your sister means enough for you to make a real sacrifice? Oh... I know. Your bow and quiver. How about that?"

"Done." I said before leaving, I hope Renee realizes how important to me she actually is, if she doesn't already know.

A/N: That's it for this part of episode 11, I'll try to have part two up in a few weeks, I do have school so if I have time in-between I'll start working on part two. I'm also sorry for the long wait. I just hope you all like this chapter. It has been sitting in my note book for a few weeks now.

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