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After what seemed like a wedding ceremony that went off without a hitch, the life of a shadowhunter was never one without a little drama added into the mix.

After Alec and Renee had thanked everyone for coming and bidding a farewell to Renee's parents, Magnus had pulled both of them away to look for the Book of The White.

It looks like the happy ceremony that commenced was coming to an end.

They both were in Alec's room as Alec undid the cufflinks of his dress shirt, "You okay," She asked before tucking her hair behind her ear watching as he moved around the room. "I know how you feel around crowds."

"Yeah, it's just so out there, I mean." He paused before looking at her with a smile. "Everyone already knew."

He moved over to sit on the bed before pulling her to him by her hands. He let his fingers trace over her soft skin.

"It's forever now," She said looking down into his hazel eyes.

She let go of his hand before combing her finger through his hair.

"I never have to let you go." He said as he felt the silk fabric on the skirt of her dress before pulling it up and having her sit in his lap.

This was an amazing feeling, the scent of vanilla in Renee's hair and her chocolate brown locks now falling over her shoulders. As he was just about to pull Renee into a kiss, he heard a loud thud like sound.

"What was that?" He asked. Renee shook her head before moving to take his hand leading him out of the room and down the hall opening the door to his father's office to see Lydia passed out on the floor.

Renee collected the skirt of her dress before leaning down to check Lydia's pulse. It was faint but there was one, that's what was most important.

Alec ran his stele over one of Lydia's runes as he tried to comfort her. "Hodge." They both heard Lydia say before Renee gave a slight nod to Alec, making her way out of the room.


Renee had been pulled away from Alec, Clary, Izzy, and Jace to talk to members of The Clave. What was going on with Lydia seemed more important then what the Clave could possibly want to talk to her about.

"Well, Mrs. Lightwood it would seem now that you have your wedding rune we can now go back and do more research." Or not. As the man continued speaking to another member of the Clave she mostly listened to what they had to say.

Renee didn't know these particular members of The Clave.

The last time she had come back from the alternate dimension everything was so strange and twisted, she had this whole other life, this whole other Alec that she had grown to love and even other people who she would never meet.

"I'm sorry to cut in but I would recommend against that," Magnus said, coming in to save the day. "You see, from what I've heard alternate dimensions aren't something to be trifled with."

"Hearing this from a warlock, I never thought I would see the day." 

"Magnus you shouldn't be here," Renee said, leaning closer to him.

"And neither should you," He said to her before turning to a female member of The Clave.

"I'm so sorry to intrude but Alec is looking for her," Magnus said as they both left the room.

They walked into one of the abandoned rooms in the Institute, "What was that?" She asked.

"Whatever you do, you are not allowed to dimension leap, I don't know what they were thinking, you're lucky you got out unscathed the first time."

"Magnus please-" She started to say.

"I know why you are considering it, you want to see the son you and Alec had but that doesn't mean that's where you're going. Just think of Alec. Think of what you have with him here." Magnus said as he held both of her arms in his hands. Magnus looked into her eyes before leaving her in the room with her thoughts.

Magnus was right, she should think of Alec. There was just so much going on right now, she really should tell Alec what's going on with her, what happened while she was there, but she just couldn't. Not with Valentine around and especially not when the Clave was pushing for more research.

What was she to do?

A/N: Hello readers, as you can see there is finally a new chapter up. I've been struggling to update because I wasn't sure how much of the show I should incorporate but as I write this I think I'm going to slowly move most of the show elements out and just focus on what I was to write in this world.

I hope you all like the new update and ideas and feedback are always welcome. And I'll hopefully have a new chapter finished up soon for all of you to read.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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