Chapter 3

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Anastasia's P.O.V

"For the last time, yes! We have to have a freaking wedding!" I yelled at Zayn, losing he tiny bit of patience I had left.

He had been complaining and asking whether we had to have a wedding or even get married for the past hour. It was doing my head in.

"I know Zayn, I don't want to have a wedding either! But we have to, okay?! Trust me, I've argued with my parents about it as well, nearly every night since you came over here, which was like a week ago! So please, just shut up and deal with it! Maybe we can get a divorce one day? Maybe our parents will get enough money from each other and we can split up and you can be with another girl, okay?" I took a deep breath after that long speech.

I looked over at Zayn and he looked pretty shocked, I was pretty shocked at what had just come out of my mouth as well. What's wrong with me? Whenever I'm around Zayn it just brings out the worst in me. I yell, curse in my head all the time, and always snap at him, and I seem to have no patience at all! And even if I do, it gets used up pretty damn quick.

"Fine, we have to get married." Zayn finally realised, making sure to groan at the end. Goodness, could he make it anymore obvious that he hates me?

"Well done, you finally realised!" I said, my voice filled with sarcasm. "You could not have just realised that about an hour ago?" I said, annoyed that it took him this damn long.

"Why do you say could not have? You could easily say couldn't of, you know that thing called abbreviation?" He said, replying with just as much sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes in response, I had been fighting with him for long enough. Another thing I hate about him, I always seem to fight with him! I never fight with people! I am an only child so fighting with siblings was out of the questions, and the second time I had argued with my parents was in the past week, about marrying Zayn.

The afternoon passed extremely slowly, me glancing up at the clock every two seconds, praying that it was 5 o'clock already.

I'm not sure what we'd actually accomplished in those three hours. I think we were meant to talk about a wedding date and pick some themes if we wanted to, but Zayn being Zayn couldn't be bothered picking the theme for the wedding, so we were getting s professional wedding designer, which would take off a lot of the stress. I really wanted to make the wedding date as late as possible, for a few reasons, including I wanted not to be married to Zayn for as long as possible.

When the clock hit 5 o'clock, I instantly got up eagerly, Zayn getting up just as eager (to go home, that is). I showed him to the front door, him making rude remarks the whole way, like 'I know where the front door is, I'm not an idiot like you' or groaning at the length of the corridor, and making sure to tell me every 5 seconds how slow I was walking.

I sighed with relief as I closed the front door behind him.

Peace at last.

Zayn's P.O.V

I was so sick of her! She was sooo annoying! Where the hell did my parents get the idea of an arranged marriage from?! I'm a pop star for heaven's sake! And even if they were gonna make me get an arranged marriage, why not with another pop star?! Why with a stuck up little only child, 5 frickin' years younger than me! Ugh, FML.

This afternoon had been the worst afternoon I've ever had in my entire life, I swear. Yeah, I might've been complaining the whole time, but that's just who I am. That's probably how I lost Perri and Gigi. I don't like to say I'm depressed, but maybe I am? I tried to commit suicide a couple times (yes, a lot of celebrities try to kill themselves, out lives aren't as good as they seem!), I've got a few faint scars on my left arm from when I cut. I may seem so tough and up myself and like nothing bothers me, but deep down I'm struggling.

I don't know why I'm here. Do I even have a purpose? And with all of this, an arranged marriage isn't something to fix it, definitely not. But my parents don't care about my wellbeing, I remember when they did, before all this fame. If stupid me didn't audition for frickin' X Factor I wouldn't be in this situation!

Sure, I'd be in a pretty average town house, but still, I'd have loving parents, and loving sisters! I wrecked my family. I have wrecked my family. Me and my sisters used to be so close, and now the only thing they're close to is their latest iPhones, iPads and Mac laptops. I don't even know if I'll be at that wedding. No I won't be at home on my phone, I'll probably be dead. I don't know how much longer I can hang on for. 


Thanks for reading!! 

- Mel xx

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