Chatpter 1

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Anastasia's P.O.V

I nervously sat there, playing with the material of my dress, a habit that my pure bred parents have tried to get me out of.

"Anastasia!" My mother called from the hallway. "We are leaving now!"

"Coming mother!" I called back, standing up from the comfortable couch I had been trying to calm my nerves in.

As I walked down the long corridor, I stopped to double check my outfit in the full length mirror. I flattened out my peach coloured knee length dress, and pulled across my white lace cardigan. I had to make a good first impression. This was very important for me and my family. I'm not sure whether I want an arranged marriage, I just want to please my parents. That's all I've wanted to do all my life.

"Anastasia!" My mother called once again, a bit louder this time.

I walked quickly down the corridor, my small white heels clicking along the floor. Our family chauffeur Gary, opened the limousine door for me, and I slid onto the black leather seat, next to my parents.

15 minutes later, the limousine had pulled up outside a white mansion, a bit bigger than ours. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car, my parents following me. We walked up at least fifty steps before coming to the grand front door. My father knocked, as my mother and I waited nervously, me fiddling with my dress, until my mother scolded me. When the door opened I came face to face with the most unexpected person I'd ever guessed to see.

Zayn's P.O.V

What did I expect.

I quickly glanced the girl who I guessed I'd be marrying up and down. She was wearing a peach coloured knee length dress, and she looked so prim and proper. Most people would think that someone raised in a mansion like mine would be so proper and wear suits and have no fun. Nope, not in my case. I'm basically 40% covered in tattoos, and I wasn't even wearing pants. I was wearing black skinny jeans and matching black vans. My parents had somehow convinced me to wear a light blue collared shirt, and I had rolled the sleeves up.

I was knocked back to reality when the man who I guessed was her father cleared his throat.

"Oh, right." I covered up, embarrassed. "Um, come on in." I said opening the door up fully and standing out of the way. The man came in and shook my hand, introducing himself and his family.

"Hello, I'm Roland, this is my wife Helena and my daughter Anastasia." He told me, slightly smiling at the end.

Wow, they had such posh names. "Cool, I'm Zayn." I said, smiling back at them. "Uh, follow me." I said, leading them down the hallway, into the living room where mum and dad were waiting. Mum instantly stood up, along with dad.

"Hi, how are you. Anastasia! Oh I've been waiting so long to be able to meet you! I'm Trisha, and this is my husband Yaser. Please, sit down." Mum ranted. I guessed mum and dad has met Anastasia's parents before.

"Nice to meet you." She said, smiling and showing her white teeth. I've always looked for a nice smile in a girl. Well, at least she ticked one box.

My mum cleared her voice, hinting at me to take Anastasia outside to chat with her.

"Oh, right." I said. "Uh, Anastasia, do you wanna walk around outside?" I asked.

"Of course." She said and walked out with me. I led her down the long corridor, and opened the door for her. It might not look like it, but my parents had raised me to have good manners.

As soon as we were out of my house, I decided to break the science. "So, uh, did you actually wanna get an arranged marriage?" I asked her.

"Well, I have always known I was going to, I guess I just want to please my parents." She replied honestly. "Do you?" She asked hesitantly.

"Honestly? Not really. I've had lots of fights with my parents about it. Not that I don't like you, it's just I sorta want to decide who I spend the rest of my life with.

She nodded, but I don't think she really understood.

"I know this might be a bit of an awkward question, but do you want to marry me? I mean, if you don't want to I don't wanna force you. I can probably talk your parents out of it if you don't want to." I said, putting the offer out there.

"Uh, no that's ok, well, I sort of want to know if we get along and if there's something there before we get married..." She said, trailing off.

"So you want to kiss?" I asked her, smirking at the fact that she couldn't even say that she wanted to kiss me. She was cute. A bit posh, but cute.

"Yeah?" She said shyly.

I smiled before leaning in, and pressing my lips against hers gently. Her lips tasted sweet, but I didn't feel any electricity. She pulled back rather quickly, and I thought that she might've not liked it. Was I too gentle? As cocky as it sounds, I've never met a girl who hasn't fallen for me after I kiss her, apart from that one...

I looked up at her and she was smiling. She liked it? I felt relief rush through my body.

Then I remembered what I came out her to do.

I dug through my pocket and found the little black velvet box. I knelt down on one knee and opened the box towards her, and she smiled.

"Will you marry me, Anastasia?" I asked.

"Yes." She said hesitantly, it looked like she had been tossing between two options.

I frowned but still I slipped the ring onto her finger. Then we walked back inside.


Thanks for reading!! Hope you liked it, please vote and comment it really means a lot!! Tell me what you thought of the first chapter!! Thanks heaps!!

Mel xx

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