Chapter 2: New Family

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Okay we are just gonna get right to it so Enjoy!
Aminah POV
"It's time for a New Start!" We said in unison as we pushed open the guild doors.

The first thought that came in my mind as we entered the Fairy Tail Guild was.....HUGE! But what caught my attention were the two guys fighting and one of them shirtless. "Oh." Was all I could say as a blush got its way to my face. Just then a girl with long white hair and a nice figure came up to us. "Hey may I help you?" she asked sweetly. "Yeah! We wanna join your guild."said Renn smiling back. I just nodded. "Okay then right this way."she said as she walked up the stairs and led us to an office. I can't believe THE Mirajane just talked to us. Squeal! Gotta act cool! I thought as I mentally prepared myself.

Renn POV
I already knew that Aminah was fangirling inside. She does read Sorcerer Weekly almost everyday. I sighed. She needs to let go sometimes. Just then Mira, I think that was her name, knocked on the door. "Master new recruits." She said sweetly. That's getting creepy. I thought to myself. "Come in."said a mans voice. We walked in and that Mira girl left us to talk. "So why do you want to join?" asked the short man in at his desk. Wow he's REALLY short! I never knew he was THIS short. Someone didn't drink their milk XD. "Well...we wanted to...umm.." I heard Aminah say shyly. Wow. Never seen her this shy. "We want to achieve our hopes and dreams." I finished for her. He closed his eyes and nodded. "May I ask are you two dating?"he asked. "EWWW NOO!" we said moving anyway from each other. "She has cooties!"I yelled "What are you?!? Like 5!?!?" She yelled back. "Haven't you seen my grades!?!" I yelled back. Our little squabble was cut off by him laughing loudly. "Oh. It would be nice to have youngins like you around! So yes you can join! Mira come in here!" He yelled. Just then Mira came back in. "So what color do you want?"she asked as she got out the Stamping thing with the fairy tail emblem on it. "Purple!" I said excitedly as I stuck out my forearm. She stamped it. AWESOME!

Aminah POV
"Purple!"yelled Renn excitedly. I sighed. Such a kid. "I'll take yellow and on my chest please." I said as I walked up to her. She stamped me. Don't. Fan. Girl. Oh forget this! "Yes!" I yelled. Mira giggled and Master got out of his seat and walked out his office door. We followed. "Listen up brats!" Master yelled from the rail. "What's up gramps!?" I heard the salmon colored guy yell. "Well maybe if you ever let him talk Flamebrain, you would know!"said the dark blue haired guy with no shirt on say. "What was that Elsa!?!"the other one snapped back. Just then their two heads were pushed together by a red-head. "Stop it you two. Let him talk." Wow. She's strong and badass! "We have two new recruits! Now let's treat them like family and party!!!" He yelled.

Renn POV
So chaotic...I LIKE IT! I thought as Master M. was done talking. We walked down the steps and  was soon crowded but a lot of people. I smiled. "My name is Renn. Renn Taishiyma." I yelled so everyone can hear me. "And I'm Aminah Okumera."said Aminah confidently. "Nice to meetcha! I'm Natsu! And this is Happy!" "Aye Sir!" "I'm Gray." "Wendy and that's Carla." "I'm Erza." "Lucy." "Gajeel." "Levy." So.....many names... I just smiled and nodded. Eh. I'll learn them later. "I wanna fight you!"yelled Natsu. "Okay!" I said with a smile. "Yeah I would like to see what magic you two have."said Gray. "Eh. Okay but I wanna face a dragon slayer."said Aminah and I at the same time. Everyone looked shocked. We looked at each other then back at the crowd. "What?" I asked confused. "W-well....We have 3 of those." Said Wendy. "Oh really now? And who would that be?" I said kneeling down to her level. "Natsu, Gajeel, and.....M-me."she finished. "No way I'm fighting a little girl. So Natsu or Gajeel?" I asked Aminah. "Hmm. I don't care. Take the either Flame Guy or Gothy." Aminah said pointing at them. "G-Gothy?"whispered Gajeel. "I'm all fired up now!"said Natsu. "Natsu." I say. "Well Gothy I guess it's you and me."said Aminah to Gajeel. "I'm not Goth!" He yelled. "Yeah Just keep telling your self that."she said patting him in the shoulder. But can she really handle that big guy? (A/N: Don't use those Smexy Imaginations okay?! XD) . "Tomorrow. First thing in the morning." I said as I walked away to the bar and order a root beer.

"It feels like I have a new family." I whisper to myself.

Aminah POV
I watched as Renn goes to the bar. Idiot. It feels like I'm part of a new family already bu-- My thoughts were interrupted when someone tapped me on the shoulder. "Feeling nervous."asked the blond,Lucy. I shook my head 'no'. "Just thinking of how this guild accepts people so quick. Like what if I'm here to cause harm or something?" Lucy laughed. "That's just how we are it doesn't matter who you are or where you came from as long as you have a good soul or are a good person they will accept you." She finished. "So welcome to your New family!" She smiled brightly. "Thanks." I said as went back to 'partying'.
Word Count: 962
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