Chapter 10: Missing

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~One Week Later: Cause we lazy~

Renn POV
I am now sitting at the table with Natsu, Happy, Erza, Lucy, Wendy, and Carla. "Ugh. She has been gone for a week now! I'm kinda worried. When she come back imma drown her for making me worried." I say angry.

"Why would she leave in the first place?" Carla thinks out loud. "Yeah! She was okay until two days before she disappeared." Happy adds. I look around the table and see the girls glancing at each other. "Actually before that she was acting strange talking about a voice. When I find that voice Imma bash its head in!" I shout.

"And I'll help!" Natsu shouts. "Idiots you can't bash a voices head in. Voices don't have physical appearances!"  Carla yells. "Whatever little kitty! Violence is always the answer!" I shout. Carla then glared at me and walked away with Happy following behind her.

"Hmm. You girls have been pretty quiet. What did you girls do?" I ask in a serious tone. Which shocked them cause I'm literally NEVER serious. "W-well....umm..." Wendy started. "...Aminah was acting strange and kinda hurt Lucy..." Erza adds. "So.....we...kinda....sorta gave her the cold shoulder before we went on our mission and have been ignoring her." Lucy finishes.

I was pissed off. "What the actual FUDGE!! You ignored her?!? You have no idea how much that hurts her!!! She has been through a lot!!! And that day I said that you guys could be trusted! I take it back! I'm going to go find her. Some 'family' you are." I yell walking out of the guild.

Lucy POV
We all sat there in complete silence. No one spoke a word. The whole Guild was silent. "Wow," Natsu says breaking the silence, "that's terrible. Even though Ice Queen and I fight a lot we never ignore each other." Natsu says getting up and walks out the Guild doors.

"Yeah we were wrong to do that." Erza says following Natsu. Happy, Carla, Gray, and Wendy followed her and I them. "Don't worry guys we will bring her back and apologize to her." I say with a sad smile as shut the guild door.

Renn POV
I got on the train and gave the guy my ticket as I sat down. Idiots. I thought we could trust them. I sighed. I then looked out the window to see some people running to the train. The faces they were making is HILARIOUS!

I then recognized that it was Natsu and them. I put down my window and shouted. "What are you guys doing?!" "We are helping you out! As an apology!"Erza shouted back. "Yeah we we in the wrong especially me!" Lucy pants. "And Besides! We aren't gonna let you have all the fun finding that hot head!" Gray says coolly. "Yeah plus! There are gonna be things I could fight and eat while we are at it." Natsu yells. "Aye!" Happy adds. "We are suppose to be friends after all!" Carla says. "No Carla more like family!" Wendy says.

This was so moving! I comedy anime cried. Wiping my snot. "YOU GUYS!!" I say smiling. They finally make it and they all fall down onto their seats. After they were situated Erza knocked out Natsu because of his motion sickness....wait oh no...bleh. "And there goes my lunch." I say still throwing up.

"I thought you didn't have motion sickness?" Wendy says panting. "It's..only a train of.....mhfd....mind...if I think about it I th---blaaaaaaaaghhhh!" I couldn't even finish cause I was throwing up. "E-Erza if you please?" I ask. "Of course." She says. Then I black out from a hard hit to my stomach.


I wake up two hours later and we are already off the train. "Oh sweet ground!" Natsu yells kissing the ground. "Your telling me." I say hugging it. "Come on you two let's get to he Forest already." Erza command us. We both quickly got up and we all headed to the forest.


We get there and.........silence. So we start searching in pairs. And I get Lucy! Dammit I wanted Erza T-T! Oh well. The pairs were:

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